More Guns = Less Crime

So a framed "conversation" by John Stossel with some guy trying to sell his book is proof that more guns means less crime?

Well given the simple fact that we have more guns in circulation in this country than nearly anywhere else in the world yet also have one of the highest crime rates of any developed nation in the world pretty much shoots that case down. The exact reverse occurs in developed nations with limited gun ownership

The statistic these individuals always cite, and is used endless in NRA literature, is that over the last thirty or so years gun ownership has increased and homicide rates have decreased. No one ever proves causation, they just assume it, completely ignoring other possible explanations as the fact the population is older, the baby boomer criminals got old, or that the crack epidemic that set the high number has ended reducing the number of homicides.

In addition, the number of guns owned has gone up, but that is largely due to the same individuals buying additional weapons, the actual per person ownership has declined

Is is not that "some people don't understand this," but rather that they see the error in the argument
Well given the simple fact that we have more guns in circulation in this country than nearly anywhere else in the world yet also have one of the highest crime rates of any developed nation in the world pretty much shoots that case down. The exact reverse occurs in developed nations with limited gun ownership
If everyone were allowed to conceal care crime would become extinct. Picture Jamal and Tyrone holding up a convenience store with 6 patrons packing heat.