More Media Bias: NY Times endorses zero Repubs

Maybe that's because the Republicans have fucked up so badly?

Or is it some big liberal conspiracy? Better check under your bed for reds.....
Endorsements are done by the EDITORIAL BOARD... they are suspost to be biased..

What an idiot!
Hand it out to the first teen age trick or treaters that come to my door tonight.
so it has to be because of media bias and not wide ranging republican incompetence?

dano....look at Iraq...look at the deficit...look at Katrina....

face it....your party is populated by a bunch of incompetent people.
For the first time since before Watergate, the New York Times endorsed no Republicans for election to Congress this year.

You poor deluded being, it appears as if you can't read or write; why not just tell us when the last year was that they endorsed no Republicans or only Democrats. The phrase since "since before Watergate" is absolutely meaningless. Here's why; see if you can follow along. The U.S. became a nation with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783. Watergate occurred on June 17, 1972. So the phrase "before Watergate" actually refers to a period of time that is roughly 189 years give or take. So in which of those 189 years exactly did The New York Times support only Democrats. And do try to be more precise in the future if for nothing else than the sake of clarity.