APP - more methane from the artic

I find it funny that alarmist scientists find an unexpected source of methane and conclude that it means warming will be worse than expected when the actual response should have been to refactor the distribution of forcings that underly their models and thus their projections. If there is A NEW natural source that is unfactored into models, it means the human component has been overstated and anything humans attempt to do to mitigate the further decreased forcing of the human component of CO2 forcing is more menaingless than previously thought.
I guess when even the lead author of the IPCC asks if there is any benefit to alarmism you definitely hav nothing left to say.

Warmers: how do they work?

I guess the fact that we are in the midst of an obvious climatic event is unobservable to you.
I just returned from Nova Sctotia where there was no snow to be seen.
I guess the fact that we are in the midst of an obvious climatic event is unobservable to you.
I just returned from Nova Sctotia where there was no snow to be seen.

yes, and it's a naturally occurring event as sceptics have said all along. The newly discovered methane bolsters the sceptic argument and you're too stupid to understand
yes, and it's a naturally occurring event as sceptics have said all along. The newly discovered methane bolsters the sceptic argument and you're too stupid to understand

The fact that you describe methane bubbling up from what was once reffered to as "perma-frost" as "newly discovered" inicates that you are woefully ignorant, so much so that you should be ashamed to have EVER spoken on the matter.
The fact that you describe methane bubbling up from what was once reffered to as "perma-frost" as "newly discovered" inicates that you are woefully ignorant, so much so that you should be ashamed to have EVER spoken on the matter.

Prove that this has never occured before.
The fact that you describe methane bubbling up from what was once reffered to as "perma-frost" as "newly discovered" inicates that you are woefully ignorant, so much so that you should be ashamed to have EVER spoken on the matter.

Russian scientists have discovered hundreds of plumes of methane gas, some 1,000 meters in diameter, bubbling to the surface of the Arctic Ocean. Scientists are concerned that as the Arctic Shelf recedes, the unprecedented levels of gas released could greatly accelerate global climate change.

Igor Semiletov of the Russian Academy of Sciences tells the UK's Independent that the plumes of methane, a gas 20 times as harmful as carbon dioxide, have shocked scientists who have been studying the region for decades. "Earlier we found torch-like structures like this but they were only tens of meters in diameter," he said. "This is the first time that we've found continuous, powerful and impressive seeping structures, more than 1,000 metres in diameter. It's amazing."
"In a very small area, less than 10,000 square miles, we have counted more than 100 fountains, or torch-like structures, bubbling through the water column and injected directly into the atmosphere from the seabed," Semiletov said. "We carried out checks at about 115 stationary points and discovered methane fields of a fantastic scale — I think on a scale not seen before. Some plumes were a kilometer or more wide and the emissions went directly into the atmosphere — the concentration was a hundred times higher than normal."