APP - more on the dangers of fracking

What is silicosis?

Silicosis is a chronic lung disease caused by breathing in tiny bits of silica dust. Silica is the second most common mineral in the earth's crust. It is a major component of sand, rock, and mineral ores like quartz. People who work in jobs where they can be breathing in these tiny silica bits—like sandblasting, mining, construction and many others—are at risk for silicosis. When people breathe silica dust, they inhale tiny particles of silica that has crystallized. This silica dust can cause fluid buildup and scar tissue in the lungs that cuts down your ability to breathe.There are three types of silicosis:
  • Chronic silicosis, the most common type of silicosis, usually occurs after 10 or more years of exposure to crystalline silica at low levels.
  • Accelerated silicosis occurs 5 to 10 years after exposure and is caused by exposure to higher levels of crystalline silica.
  • Acute silicosis can occur after only weeks or months of exposure to very high levels of crystalline silica. Acute silicosis progresses rapidly and can be fatal within months.
silicosis is rearing its head as a result of sand fracking.

also, should one land owner be able to permit fracking to the detriment of their neighbor?
Old news. When i was working in the recycling business I developed a propent using EAF Dust as feed material whose major attributes was that you could engineer a more uniform grain size than silica sand, it had a higher fracture toughness than silica sand, was chemically inert and it contained no crystalline silica. The drilling companies loved the product because it performed far better than silica sand and was safer to use. That was 15 years ago. Point being they've been concerned about crystalline silica use for a long time now.
What is silicosis?

Silicosis is a chronic lung disease caused by breathing in tiny bits of silica dust. Silica is the second most common mineral in the earth's crust. It is a major component of sand, rock, and mineral ores like quartz. People who work in jobs where they can be breathing in these tiny silica bits—like sandblasting, mining, construction and many others—are at risk for silicosis. When people breathe silica dust, they inhale tiny particles of silica that has crystallized. This silica dust can cause fluid buildup and scar tissue in the lungs that cuts down your ability to breathe.There are three types of silicosis:
  • Chronic silicosis, the most common type of silicosis, usually occurs after 10 or more years of exposure to crystalline silica at low levels.
  • Accelerated silicosis occurs 5 to 10 years after exposure and is caused by exposure to higher levels of crystalline silica.
  • Acute silicosis can occur after only weeks or months of exposure to very high levels of crystalline silica. Acute silicosis progresses rapidly and can be fatal within months.
Silicosis can also lead to mesothelioma and lung cancer. Just like asbestosis.
In case anyone is interested in how the crystalline silica causes silicosis it works like this. Crystaline silica (crystobilite/quartz, etc) is very friable. When impacted it fractures readily in to micron sized particles. No when you observe these minute particles at extreme magnification you'll see that these particle are very angular with razor sharp edges, and that's the problem.

When inhaled into the lungs these razor sharp particles are entraped by the cilia of the culumnar epithelial tissue of which the lungs are composed. Since the edges of the silica particles are razor sharp they slice through the cell membranes of the epithelial tissue and kill that cell and they will continue to slice and kill the cells that the particles come into contact with.

When this happens the ruptured cells release antibodies that are detected by the immune system. The immune system responds by sending in a very specialized type of cell that deals with foreign objects. They are called polymorphonuclear phagocytes or PMN's for short. The job of the PMN's is to envelop these particles with their cell membrane and then dissolve them with very strong enzymes, a process called lysing. Howver, they have the same problem that the epithelial cells have, the razor sharp silica particles again slice through the cell walls of the PMN's thus killing them. So if to use an analogy, if PMN's are the pick up trucks the body used to clean up debris than the Macrophages are the big assed dump trucks. When the PMN's fail to clean up the debris the immunse system signals an invasion into the affected area by macrphages. They, like the PMN's are phagocytic cells only much larger. Magrphages are what make the permenant staining of the skin by tatoo ink possible. They clean up bulk debris. Once agan though though the razor sharp edges on the silica particles comes into play as they also slice through the cell walls of the macrophages and kill them too.

So now it's a serious problem. Two major attempts to clean up the dangerous foreign debris have failed so now the immune systems sends in a speciliazed type of cell called fibroblast. The fibroblast secrete collogen fibers around the silica particles which fixes them in place so that they can no longer damage lung tissue.

However, that comes at the cost of the surrounding epithelial cells being able to peform their primary function, gaseous exchnage. If enough micron sized particles of silica are inhaled then to much of the surface area of the lungs will become covered in fibers that have immobalized the silica particles.

That creates two problems. The first, as mentioned is it intereferes with the lungs ability to exchange gasses. It also decreases the lungs elastic properties which reduces the lungs vital capacity, that is the lungs ability to expand so as to exhange more gases as demand increases. With the end result that the victim who has inhaled significant ammounts of crystaline silica will have trouble breathing. If a large enough area of the lungs are affected, than silicosis becomes life threatening.
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In case anyone is interested in how the crystalline silica causes silicosis it works like this. Crystaline silica (crystobilite/quartz, etc) is very friable. When impacted it fractures readily in to micron sized particles. No when you observe these minute particles at extreme magnification you'll see that these particle are very angular with razor sharp edges, and that's the problem.

When inhaled into the lungs these razor sharp particles are entraped by the cilia of the culumnar epithelial tissue of which the lungs are composed. Since the edges of the silica particles are razor sharp they slice through the cell membranes of the epithelial tissue and kill that cell and they will continue to slice and kill the cells that the particles come into contact with.

When this happens the ruptured cells release antibodies that are detected by the immune system. The immune system responds by sending in a very specialized type of cell that deals with foreign objects. They are called polynuclear phagocytes or PMN's for short. The job of the PMN's is to envelop these particles with their cell membrane and then dissolve them with very strong enzymes, a process called lysing. Howver, they have the same problem that the epithelial cells have, the razor sharp silica particles again slice through the cell walls of the PMN's thus killing them. So if to use an analogy, if PMN's are the pick up trucks the body used to clean up debris than the Macrophages are the big assed dump trucks. When the PMN's fail to clean up the debris the immunse system signals in invastion into the affected area by macrphages. They, like the PMN's are phogcytic cells only much larger. Magrphages are what make the permenant staining of the skin by tatoo ink possible. They clean up bulk debris. Once agan though though the razor sharp edges on the silica particles comes into play as they also slice through the cell walls of the macrophages and kill them too.

So now it's a serious problem. Two major attempts to clean up the dangerous foreign debris have failed so now the immune systems sends in a speciliazed type of cell called fibroblast. The fibroblast secrete collogen fibers around the silica particles which fixes them in place so that they can no longer damage lung tissue.

However, that comes at the cost of the surrounding epithelial cells being able to peform their primary function, gaseous exchnage. If enough micron sized particles of silica are inhaled then to much of the surface area of the lungs will become covered in fibers that have immobalized the silica particles.

That creates two problems. The first, as mentioned is it intereferes with the lungs ability to exchange gasses. It also decreases the lungs elastic properties which reduces the lungs vital capacity, that is the lungs ability to expand so as to exhange more gases as demand increases. With the end result that the victim who has inhaled significant ammounts of crystaline silica will have trouble breathing. If a large enough area of the lungs are affected, than silicosis becomes life threatening.

Knowing this, as well as the produced water problem, and the man made earthquake effect, how can you continue to support fracking?
Knowing this, as well as the produced water problem, and the man made earthquake effect, how can you continue to support fracking?
Easy....regulate fracking. The risks are identifiable, quantifiable and manageable. If fracking is capable of triggering a geological even, don't permit it in geologically unstable regions. If using propents containing crystalline silica are causing worker health issues, don't permit their use. Require they be replaced by propents that don't contain crystalline silica. If petroleum derived waste (PDW) are contaminating local air/water/soil with characteristic hazardous waste then require that PDW (including return water) be managed under the full scope of hazardous waste regulations and end their exemptions from full regulation. If faulty well casings and well heads are causing contamination require more rigorous engineering and construction standards including routine testing and inspections by disinterested third parties and have enforceable remedies available for violations.

From a risk assessment standpoint fracking is far less risky and generates far less hazardous pollutants, safety concerns and environmental impact than primary steel or aluminum manufacturing. Yet we have found ways to acceptably manage the risks associated with those industries that are critical for maintaining our modern standard of living. If we can accomplish that with those industries than it can be accomplished in horizontal drilling/fracking/natural gas industry.
Easy....regulate fracking. The risks are identifiable, quantifiable and manageable. If fracking is capable of triggering a geological even, don't permit it in geologically unstable regions. If using propents containing crystalline silica are causing worker health issues, don't permit their use. Require they be replaced by propents that don't contain crystalline silica. If petroleum derived waste (PDW) are contaminating local air/water/soil with characteristic hazardous waste then require that PDW (including return water) be managed under the full scope of hazardous waste regulations and end their exemptions from full regulation. If faulty well casings and well heads are causing contamination require more rigorous engineering and construction standards including routine testing and inspections by disinterested third parties and have enforceable remedies available for violations.

From a risk assessment standpoint fracking is far less risky and generates far less hazardous pollutants, safety concerns and environmental impact than primary steel or aluminum manufacturing. Yet we have found ways to acceptably manage the risks associated with those industries that are critical for maintaining our modern standard of living. If we can accomplish that with those industries than it can be accomplished in horizontal drilling/fracking/natural gas industry.

They are just excuses used by people like Rune because they absolutely loath and detest cheap energy, that's why they are for heavily subsidised wind farms. Over here we have learnt the lessons from the US experience and all wells will be triple lined and all waste water will be in closed containers not open pools.
They are just excuses used by people like Rune because they absolutely loath and detest cheap energy, that's why they are for heavily subsidised wind farms. Over here we have learnt the lessons from the US experience and all wells will be triple lined and all waste water will be in closed containers not open pools.
I don't want to generalize like that. I have talked with plenty of environmental activist opposed to Fracking. Some are hostile towards my point of view but most of them are open minded that Fracking is a valid technology that is very much lacking a proper regulatory framework.
They are just excuses used by people like Rune because they absolutely loath and detest cheap energy, that's why they are for heavily subsidised wind farms. Over here we have learnt the lessons from the US experience and all wells will be triple lined and all waste water will be in closed containers not open pools.
Those are good for starters and I'm not familiar with the UK's regulatory frame work for managing hazardous and solid waste but to state the obvious, storing waste water in closed containers is obviously superior to storing return water in an unlined open pit that waste still needs to meet specific treatment standards if it does carry hazard characteristics.

Those actions are good for starters but what is really required is a comprehensive HS&E regulatory framework that inculcate best management practices and require the Best Developed Available Technology be used to correct these public health and environmental issues that result from fracking.
They are just excuses used by people like Rune because they absolutely loath and detest cheap energy, that's why they are for heavily subsidised wind farms. Over here we have learnt the lessons from the US experience and all wells will be triple lined and all waste water will be in closed containers not open pools.

so fracking is safe? what about pollution of ground water and subsidence earthquakes?
so fracking is safe? what about pollution of ground water and subsidence earthquakes?
I think Tom was refering to people who believe that fracking is unsafe period and should be banned as opposed to those of us who believe that it is underegulated in the US and that the risks to safety and the environment posed by hydraulic facking can be acceptably mitigated via the appropriate regulatory framework.
I think Tom was refering to people who believe that fracking is unsafe period and should be banned as opposed to those of us who believe that it is underegulated in the US and that the risks to safety and the environment posed by hydraulic facking can be acceptably mitigated via the appropriate regulatory framework.

i do not trust the people that do the fracking or sponsor it because of the secrecy they maintain
I think Tom was refering to people who believe that fracking is unsafe period and should be banned as opposed to those of us who believe that it is underegulated in the US and that the risks to safety and the environment posed by hydraulic facking can be acceptably mitigated via the appropriate regulatory framework.


Fracking is unregulated
