More Outsourcing: Indian Company Wipro setting up software dev center in America


The Indians are outsourcing to us, what will the lefties say to that? LOL

"Wipro, one of the big three Indian providers (along with Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services), is close to reaching an agreement with the authorities in Atlanta, Georgia, to set up its first software-development centre in America. The three other cities shortlisted during the selection process—Austin, Texas; Raleigh, North Carolina; and Richmond, Virginia—stand a good chance of hosting other centres. Azim Premji, Wipro's chairman, says that the proportion of local employees (as opposed to visiting Indians) in the company's overseas locations will rise from 10% to one-third over the next three years. "
think they will be able to get enough H1B visa workers to staff it ?

What are you trying to say? That they will fly out Indian workers to work in America rather than just hire them in India.
Yeah that makes a lot of sense...

Hmm I have worked in the software development area for 15 years Dano. have you ?
I am a software release manager at the current time.
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What are you trying to say? That they will fly out Indian workers to work in America rather than just hire them in India.
Yeah that makes a lot of sense...


They're realizing the offshore outsource model doesn't work for it. Communication is too crucial, and culturallly, indian programmers afraid of being deported will not tell the "business analyst" That's he's full of shit and has no clue, and not to take the company down with him, and that you'll do it your way.

The rugged individualism is why all the thoughts of replacing europeans will come to nothing. we value thinking out side the box, outside the totalitarian false dichotomies presented by the old world priesthood, seeking to reestablish it's claim on mankind.
They're realizing the offshore outsource model doesn't work for it. Communication is too crucial, and culturallly, indian programmers afraid of being deported will not tell the "business analyst" That's he's full of shit and has no clue, and not to take the company down with him, and that you'll do it your way.

The rugged individualism is why all the thoughts of replacing europeans will come to nothing. we value thinking out side the box, outside the totalitarian false dichotomies presented by the old world priesthood, seeking to reestablish it's claim on mankind.

Bingo AGZ. Good one there. We outsource to Tata, and it is not working Tata wants to stay in the game soooo....

Also for security there aere many systems the offshore programmers cannot access.
the company I work for ahs spent as much on the security aspect as they have saved by offshoring.
The fact that offshorign hasn't been working out as planned is industries' dirty little secret. As a certain anti-semetic tinfoil hat loon mentioned earlier, most problems have been arising from communication or should I say lack there of.
Bingo AGZ. Good one there. We outsource to Tata, and it is not working Tata wants to stay in the game soooo....

Also for security there aere many systems the offshore programmers cannot access.
the company I work for ahs spent as much on the security aspect as they have saved by offshoring.

Do you ever stop with your jewish conspiracies? Is this something you talk about in real life or this an online persona that allows you to indulge in racist and antisemetic fantasies.
Do you ever stop with your jewish conspiracies? Is this something you talk about in real life or this an online persona that allows you to indulge in racist and antisemetic fantasies.

I wonder about that too. I kind of think that he doesn't talk about this in real life, because if he did, he would be ostracized. I think he uses his online persona to do it with. But, I could be wrong.
I wonder about that too. I kind of think that he doesn't talk about this in real life, because if he did, he would be ostracized. I think he uses his online persona to do it with. But, I could be wrong.

I mean, I have heard off color comments in my day, but I do't think I've ever met someone this obsessed in real life (that would admit to it in front of me anyway). If it wasn't so sad it would be fascinating.
What are you trying to say? That they will fly out Indian workers to work in America rather than just hire them in India.
Yeah that makes a lot of sense...


do you ever actually read what you post Dano ?

From article "says that the proportion of local employees (as opposed to visiting Indians) in the company's overseas locations will rise from 10% to one-third over the next three years. " Overseas to them means in the USA among other places.

Yeah Dum Dum.
It's funny how those "oneliners' have really taken off, isn't it? I guess all of that complaining about you was just jealousy usc. You've become a total trendsetter! ;)

Yeah pretty funny. He bitched about my one liners and then if you notice the rest of his replies in that thread were at most 2 lines :)
Oops I just did a 2 liner!