more settlement money paid out--when you give to the church do you REALLY know it goe

NEW LONDON, Conn. -- A settlement was made in one of the largest sex-abuse scandals involving the Catholic Church in Connecticut.

The Norwich Diocese settled a sex-abuse case for $1,100,000 and the Archdiocese of Hartford agreed to settle a separate case for $850,000.

The Norwich settlement involved allegations against the former co-pastor of Saint Mary's Star of the Sea Church in New London, the Rev. Bruno Primavera, by Michael Long. Long alleged that Primavera abused him in 1978.
Most congregations that are autonomous have monthly budgets where you can see exactly where the money goes. Most of these types of congregations keep a balance close to only $5000 in their accounts, some ever a lot less as they make sure the monies received go directly to the programs they provide each month. The elders where I attend post a monthly statement showing the money taken in and where they used the money for the different programs.......supporting missionaries, orphan's homes, needy families, etc.

I know where rob is coming from on this thread though. There is the potential for a lot of abuse where a lot of money is involved and we must face that all "religious" folks are not what they seem. What would one expect from a guy named 'Bruno' anyway.;)
Good Post leaning, you hit it right on the head. the chuurch where I used to be chairman of the trustees had a finiancial statement of income and expendatures at each monthly board meeting which all church attendees were welcome to attend.
Darn! leaning , you were right on the money as far as the around 5K reserve figure :)
uscitizen, I think the key is that the congregations are autonomous, meaning that they don't have to answer to a higher assembly or whatever. It allows them to do this sort of thing.
Does the "rule book" allow the congregations to use what they have as they see fit or does each congregation have to send a percentage to the "headquarters?"
a percentage goes to the charge conference headquarters and I believe they send some to the national conference.