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Guantanamo remarks cost policy chief his job
POSTED: 7:24 p.m. EST, February 2, 2007

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Pentagon's man in charge of handling the department's policy on detainees from the war on terrorism has resigned, Defense Department officials said Friday.

Charles "Cully" Stimson resigned Thursday after making controversial remarks last month about law firms that represent terrorism suspects held by the U.S. military, Pentagon officials said.

Stimson, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for detainee affairs, submitted his resignation to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who accepted it, the officials said.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Stimson resigned because "the controversy surrounding him ... was hampering his ability to be effective in his current position."

Last month during a radio interview, Stimson said major U.S. corporations should not do business with top law firms that are defending terrorist suspects held in the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

During the interview, he also listed more than a dozen law firms that he thought should be boycotted.