More Subsidies to the Rich


JPP Modarater

SAN FRANCISCO - The federal government has taken billions of dollars from the taxes and fees paid by airline passengers every time they fly and awarded it to small airports used mainly by private pilots and globe-trotting corporate executives...................
"They're making out like bandits," said Bob Poole, director of transportation studies at Southern California's Reason Foundation and author of several studies on air transportation costs. "It's not only that airline passengers are paying more than their fair share, but they're being overtaxed to give private jets a free ride."
I think it is not for just private jets, but for smaller aorposts to clear them off of the commercial ariports for safety.
One factor. The article quoted smacks of spin.

Or would you like all the private pilots taking off and landing with your passenger airliners, making thins more unsafe and more delays ?

The problem is not as simple as trhat guy portrays.
I think it is not for just private jets, but for smaller aorposts to clear them off of the commercial ariports for safety.
One factor. The article quoted smacks of spin.

Or would you like all the private pilots taking off and landing with your passenger airliners, making thins more unsafe and more delays ?

The problem is not as simple as trhat guy portrays.

I'd prefer my fees to go to my flights. If they want to operate they should pay up. Its not like airline fees are cheap either. I've gotten prices for tickets that had fees of well over $100. I shouldn't have to subsidize private airlines. They need to pay up.
From the article:
J.T. Wilson Field in Somerset, Ky. got more than $12 million since 2001, much of it through the influence of local Rep. Hal Rogers, a longtime Republican member of the House Appropriations Committee who uses the airfield for trips home. Wilson Field is home base to 26 small planes and one jet. Despite millions in improvements, including a passenger terminal, the airport has yet to see scheduled commercial service.

Seems pretty straight forward to me.
Oh not denying politics are involved and Someone in the Republican party apparently owes Hal a LOT! They renamed the Danial Boone parkway, the Hal Rogers Parkway ........JAFR
I'd prefer my fees to go to my flights. If they want to operate they should pay up. Its not like airline fees are cheap either. I've gotten prices for tickets that had fees of well over $100. I shouldn't have to subsidize private airlines. They need to pay up.

LadyT, I seriously doubt it contributes in any serious way to your ticket price. Commercial airlines get subsidies all the time, there's no reason to throw away all independent flight so that we can lower your ticket price 1%.
LadyT, I seriously doubt it contributes in any serious way to your ticket price. Commercial airlines get subsidies all the time, there's no reason to throw away all independent flight so that we can lower your ticket price 1%.

I don't care if it its one fucking penny. Why should I finance some fat cat in a private jet when I can't even get a freakin' peanut on a flight anymore?
Awwh shit there go my good guy points on the ASShat=Jeffrey Dhamer thread.

Jet fuel is dirt Cheap USC, shit it should be double the price
as should gasoline. It should be at least $4 gallon for such a precious natural resource.
Jethro wants to change majors, so Uncle Jed has to fund a 7 yr college term for 2.:clink:
I know you just smile every time you fill your vehicles Spin, but then that is you...
Email the major airlines and tell them their fuel is too cheap :)

I personally am not complaining about the price of gas, I only use less than 20 gal per month. I would like to see the price go up some more to cause people to conserve a bit and use less reducing the demand and promote alternative energy sources.

but unlike some I have sympathy for those who use quite a bit of gas to get to work.
I don't care if it its one fucking penny. Why should I finance some fat cat in a private jet when I can't even get a freakin' peanut on a flight anymore?

The small airliners finanance more than private jets, Tiana. There are many places in the world people would be unable to get to without smaller airports dotting the country.

And it has safety considerations.

WTF should the "fatcat" pay taxes to subsidize and bailout commerial airliners that he doesn't use? He also pays a higher percentage of the tax for them than you, being that this is a progressive tax system.
Yep the safety aspects...As I said before without the small airports the small planes would be mixed in with the big ones, not a good thing....And even more delays in your travel = more time without peanuts.
The small airliners finanance more than private jets, Tiana. There are many places in the world people would be unable to get to without smaller airports dotting the country.

And it has safety considerations.

WTF should the "fatcat" pay taxes to subsidize and bailout commerial airliners that he doesn't use? He also pays a higher percentage of the tax for them than you, being that this is a progressive tax system.

For the record I generally don't support corporate bailouts - unless its a situation where the business has suffered a loss through a governmental failure. If people want to get there, then they should pony up the dough to get there on their own. If the airport is providing a public service then they should reimbursed for that particular public service. They can still be safe without reaching into my pockets. Again, you and USC are acting like I want to shut them down. I'm suggesting that they pay their fair share and nothing more.
That particular deal at Somerset KY airport and Rogers sucks, he is big Republican Crony and Bush supporter so he got paid back.
That particular deal at Somerset KY airport and Rogers sucks, he is big Republican Crony and Bush supporter so he got paid back.

Yeah well, his sucky ride should be subsidized by him and the people he flies with.