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Rice Touts New Mideast Aid Package

Jul 30, 10:13 AM (ET)

WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Monday that a new multibillion dollar military sales package for Arab nations will help secure Iraq and promote stability in the Persian Gulf.

Embarking on a four-day tour of the region with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Rice said in a statement that the proposed U.S. package, estimated to be at least $5 billion and as high as $20 billion, "will help bolster forces of moderation and support a broader strategy to counter the negative influences of al-Qaida, Hebollah, Syria, and Iran."
Oh noes... The Secretary of State is talking to people in the Middle East! I thought that was something that they didn't do!
Yeah, we'll buy the Iraqi's all the AK's and ammo they need, drying up the supply here.

It's heartening to know that there's hardly any problem in this troublesome world, which can't be solved with an arms race.
Sorry Jolt is the best, but unfortunatly I've only seen it in the PRK (cali). It has a blue raspberry flavor that kicks unbeleivable amounts of ass.