More Terrorist?


Junior Member
New report out says that Iraq conflict has increased terrorism. I am sure the stats may support that terrorism has increased but to assume it is because of Iraq is a big jump of conclusions. It is not like it wasn't increasing before Iraq, and well the vile death cult of Islam will use any excuse to kill and terrorize. Be it Iraq or Palis or Cartoons or what the Pope is misquoted as saying. They will alway find a reason to kill. So it is pretty lame to blame it on Iraq. You could just as statistically blame it on the rise in reality tv.
I blame the liberals. Their attempts to politisize the entire war and bad mouthing the president and the liberal media only reporting the negative things in iraq justs emboldens the terrorist groups and especially iran to do even more.
I blame the liberals. Their attempts to politisize the entire war and bad mouthing the president and the liberal media only reporting the negative things in iraq justs emboldens the terrorist groups and especially iran to do even more.


Here you are again, blaming your failed war on democrats!

Republicans: They never take personal responsibility for their failures.
Libs don't increase terrorism, but the liberarl words are used by the terrorist to show how they can win.