More than two dozen states had eugenics sterillization programs


Villified User
Jun 22, 7:11 PM EDT

NC remembering victims of sterilization program

Associated Press Writer

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- North Carolina recalled a regrettable side of its history on Monday by unveiling a roadside marker remembering poor people, mental patients and prisoners who were sterilized against their will by state officials.

The cast aluminum sign in downtown Raleigh provides a permanent remembrance of the program intended to keep thousands of people considered mentally disabled or otherwise genetically inferior from having children.

"This does represent one of the ugly chapters in North Carolina's history," said the Rev. William Barber, president of the state chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "We have to deal with our past in order to have a better present and a stronger future."

More than 7,600 people were sterilized by "choice or coercion" under the state's so-called eugenics program between 1933 and 1973, according to the marker's text. North Carolina was one of more than two dozen states that ran such programs after social reformers began advocating for the approach a century ago.
California was the biggest sterilization state, back in the day. They need to bring it back, to many liberal nuts.
Shut up! You can't make fun of Tourette's Syndrome! *shrug* *stomp* F*CKING BallL*Cking!

LOLZ Incidentally, the rep I gave you was supposed to read "Wow, you're on a roll today," but my finger slipped and I accidentally hit enter early.

I think it was Tourettes.