More work complaints


My managers are utterly retarded. I don't see how they live with themselves.

Well, for one thing, the day before yesterday I was closing up and this fucking braindead retard, who comes to work thirty minutes late stoned everyday, was closing with me, and he decided to get some fucking strips out to thaw. He put the heavy frozen strips on top of some already thawed strips, and of course, clocked out and left early, leaving most of the cleanup work for me to do. The manager didn't seem to care. So I told the manager that "someone" had retardedly put heavy frozen strips on top of thawed strips, which would ruin them. He said "Uh-huh", staringly vacantly off into space. I told him again that it would ruin them, and asked him if he'd like me to fix it. He said it would be fine. So i was vexed and just continued with the rest of the cleanup.

I came in the next day and lo and behold, the managers sitting right there over ruined strips and he yells "WM! What did you do!" And then I told him that I left the strips right there where he told me to yesterday. So he looks around and says "Oh yeah, carry on".

Fuckers. :321:

This isn't worth 6.25 an hour.

I'm hoping this thread is much more self-masturbatory and pointless than Tiana's rants.
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My managers are utterly retarded. I don't see how they live with themselves.

Well, for one thing, the day before yesterday I was closing up and this fucking braindead retard, who comes to work thirty minutes late stoned everyday, was closing with me, and he decided to get some fucking strips out to thaw. He put the heavy frozen strips on top of some already thawed strips, and of course, clocked out and left early, leaving most of the cleanup work for me to do. The manager didn't seem to care. So I told the manager that "someone" had retardedly put heavy frozen strips on top of thawed strips, which would ruin them. He said "Uh-huh", staringly vacantly off into space. I told him again that it would ruin them, and asked him if he'd like me to fix it. He said it would be fine. So i was vexed and just continued with the rest of the cleanup.

I came in the next day and lo and behold, the managers sitting right there over ruined strips and he yells "WM! What did you do!" And then I told him that I left the strips right there where he told me to yesterday. So he looks around and says "Oh yeah, carry on".

Fuckers. :321:

This isn't worth 6.25 an hour.

I'm hoping this thread is much more self-masturbatory and pointless than Tiana's rants

Nah. Mine will always win! ;)

I agree, that doesn't seem like its worth 6.25/hr. Just try not to hit anyone and you'll be fine.
It is clearly only a temporary thing for you wm. In about 10 years you will see managers blowing off hundreds of thousands or even millions in similiar ways. The game does not change, just the stakes.
It is clearly only a temporary thing for you wm. In about 10 years you will see managers blowing off hundreds of thousands or even millions in similiar ways. The game does not change, just the stakes.
