Morning folks...

remodeling the house. Almost done. Painters are coming today. Floors are getting delivered And I'll slap them down tomorrow. I'm almost free. Can't wait to leave this hellhole state.
tinfoil said:
remodeling the house. Almost done. Painters are coming today. Floors are getting delivered And I'll slap them down tomorrow. I'm almost free. Can't wait to leave this hellhole state.

Where are you going to?
Celebrating my natal day by going to work, naturally. ;)

Actually, I do plan on going home early and sacrificing cow parts on an open flame.
Hope the B-Day was stupendous...

Morning again folks. Today is August 4th, and in history nothing significant happened this day.
OrnotBitwise said:
Celebrating my natal day by going to work, naturally. ;)

Actually, I do plan on going home early and sacrificing cow parts on an open flame.

happy 65th Ornot!
