APP - Morning Joe is completely unhinged this morning


It is clear that Trump has hurt Joey's feelings. Joey has had the knives out for a while now doing the left's bidding. I think we can dispense with the notion that Joey is a conservative at this point.

What is funny this morning is that now they are back to calling Steve Bannon President. The left is so unhinged they can't keep their stories straight. One minute Bannon is President. The next minute Bannon is on his way out. Now Bannon is back to being President again.

Joey Scarborough is so unhinged he thinks he is trolling Trump by saying Bannon is really the President. My guess is Joey is trying to taunt Trump into a twitter frenzy. Personally, I don't mind Trumps tweeting in general, but this is a time to leave it alone. It will make Joey even more incensed if Trump doesn't respond.

I have always known the main stream media is the enemy of the United States, but now they are making it known to many more people
