

I love this article. Never have a bigger bunch of clowns and morons assembled in one place.

In the wake of U.S. Sen. David Vitter’s apology after his phone number turned up in an escort service's call list, a member of the Republican State Central Committee called for him to resign.
Vincent Bruno of Kenner said today that Vitter should resign “for his own good, the good of the party and the good of his family.” If he doesn’t resign, Vitter should “join the Democratic Party where they think that kind of behavior is OK.”

That's right! Democrats think it's ok! That's why they're always the ones being caught getting gay massages and hitting on underaged interns and having cyber sex with them too, and going to hookers to dress up in stockings and get their asses beaten. Very good observation. Why this guy, sounds like a Topper in the making.

“If they’re not going to enforce family values, they ought to take it out of the vocabulary.

If they're not going to "enforce" family values? Now, a married man going to a hooker is indeed a very bad example of family values, but since when are we "enforcing" these values, whatever they might consist of? Let's hope this guy doesn't rise any higher, or we all might be in jail.

But several Republican colleagues rallied to Vitter’s side in Washington.
“It’s really an issue between he and his family and God, and that has been dealt with, thankfully,” said Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C.

I am really starting to suspect that Gawd is getting awfully pissy about being dragged into these tawdry affairs time and time again. And he also isn't happy about these clowns speaking for him, on whether or not it has been "dealt with".

But this, could be my favorite:

Louisiana’s Democratic governor, Kathleen Blanco, issued a statement Tuesday saying she was “disappointed” over the revelation and hoped it wouldn’t hurt the state’s efforts to secure federal funding for rebuilding homes damaged by hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

“I will travel to Washington in the coming weeks to continue my conversations with congressional leaders, and I hope this scandal will not lessen their critical support of our recovery,” Blanco said.

That's right Blanco. The fact that a Congressman in your state f'd a prostitute is going to cause "congressional leaders" to conclude, "we ain't funding no recovery in that state, no way no how".

What a dipshit she is.