Mortgage Crisis Rage


JPP Modarater
I think I'm pissed off at just about everyone over this:

1) Bush (of course)
2) Paulson
3) Dems for what seems to be their impending support of this highway robbery
4) Banks
5) PMI companies
6) Stupid borrowers

The only one I'm not mad at is Ron Paul.
What am I pissed about? I wrote a loooong paragraph, but eff it! It won't change a damn thing other than giving me ventilation. Life is amazing.

I'm the bad guy?
When did that happen?
That's because President Ron Paul FTW!!1!!!

And he has a blimp!

oh that's right. Anyone against this must be a ron paul supporter. And the machine has spent tons villifying him. So sure, economize, use those previously implanted memes and activate them to appropriately to shame rational thinkers.
oh that's right. Anyone against this must be a ron paul supporter. And the machine has spent tons villifying him. So sure, economize, use those previously implanted memes and activate them to appropriately to shame rational thinkers.
Ron Paul totally owns your hairy behind, and you know it. Don't be jealous of his huge brain that outshines yours by about a million candlepower....
As a guy who voted for Ron Paul, I am going to add that my opposition to the bailout had little, if anything, to do with it. Ironically, of the two talkshow hosts I listened to today, the one I don't much admire was spot on (Limbaugh), and the one I admire a lot (Medved) was fuming like a little socialist baby, and behaving like a jackass. I also caught a bit of Beck, and he's been properly opposed to it, and gave Ron Paul his due for being spot on about economic issues.
PMI? who pays that?

My guess is people with risky loans and everyone wtih under 20% equity in their home. One could easily summize that a good number of these bad loans were made by people who had to pay pmi.
Ron paul has some good ideas. But some of his libertarian horde are just plain nutz.

Ron Pauls direction is what should be the future of the republican party. Unfortunately most of their core base are too stuipid to understand much of what he supports.
Ron Pauls direction is what should be the future of the republican party. Unfortunately most of their core base are too stuipid to understand much of what he supports.

Like I said many of his followers are nutz. Wanting to privitize police forces and such.