Mosasaur - possibly my current favorite dinosaur


Will work for Scooby snacks
I know - technically they are not dinosaurs; they are marine reptiles. But they are still bloody cool.
I would never surf if these things were still patrolling the oceans.

Monsters of the Mesozoic
The mosasaur was gigantic; the largest mosasaur found was Tylosaurus, more than 57 feet long. Its jaws were armed with rows of backward-pointing teeth to hold prey securely in its mouth. Mosasaurs also had a bizarre-looking additional set of teeth that could hook into the severed flesh of its victim and push it down its gullet. Mosasaurs didn’t chew; they gulped. They were probably ambush predators, lying in wait on the ocean floor. Then, using their long tails and powerful flippers, they would swiftly attack the unsuspecting prey from below.

source credit: Dr. Stuart Sutherland, University of British Columbia
Did you see that humongo water dino in the last Jurassic Park movie?

Exactly! Its not every day you see a great white shark turned into a morsel, a tasty nugget.
And that is probably exactly what rocketed Mosasaur to the top of my favorite dinosaur list!
When I was a kid I wished so much that we could have a pet dinosaur. Now we are owned by five.

Oh, the avian links to the Dinos I presume?
I like Archaeopteryx a lot too! Who wouldn't like a bird-like reptile with a beak full of teeth? That is just bad ass!