Mosquitoes Are A Protected Species In Africa


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Coronavirus gave the population controls crowd a substantial weapon in the form of hypothermic needles.

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM

Vaccinations used to be an individual decision. It is now a United Nations decision:

Even at their most effective – and draconian – containment strategies have only slowed the spread of the respiratory disease Covid-19. With the World Health Organization finally declaring a pandemic, all eyes have turned to the prospect of a vaccine, because only a vaccine can prevent people from getting sick.

Coronavirus vaccine: when will it be ready?
Laura Spinney
Sun 29 Mar 2020 09.57 EDT
Last modified on Sun 29 Mar 2020 09.58 EDT

Vaccinating against the coronavirus is a major objective in the scam medical industry parasites are pulling to the tune of 2.2 TRILLION dollars for openers. Basically, government forcing the public to get a vaccination is the end game for preventative medicine hustlers:

It is not only dirty little moralists exercising political power that is destroying America’s moral fiber. Preventative medicine is more about the healthcare industry’s morality than it is about health. A nation of pill freaks buying prescription drugs to prevent this or that is the highest morality of all. Diet and exercise gurus promising healthier lives are moralists contradicting the pill priesthood if you do not count vitamins as pills.

Preventative medicine is a pharmaceutical industry scam. Drug companies were not making enough money selling drugs to people who were actually sick; so they increased their sales a thousandfold with the preventative medicine con job. The whole thing is a perversion of an “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

It turns out that doctors are worse than drug companies. Doctors aligned themselves with dirty little moralists when they started telling EVERYONE not to smoke. Do not smoke soon became lose weight and exercise. That was not enough. Doctors in Florida told their patients to get rid of their guns.

Question: Doctors scream bloody murder when anybody interferes in the doctor-patient relationship; so how come doctors do not mind the ACLU getting in-between doctor and patient?

Happily, doctors cannot hide the harm they are doing with their assault on the Second Amendment. So I fear this scenario:

A patient gets rid of his gun on his doctor’s orders. A murderer breaks into the patient’s home and kills the patient’s children because he could not defend himself. The patient sues the doctor. How would you vote if you were on the jury?

In the same vain, Americans must take a long, hard, look at tort reform before those bums in Washington include it in more “healthcare reform.” I do not have much use for lawyers, but lawyers, and they alone, are all that stands between the public and medical industry butchery protected by law.

In short: when I need moral guidance I will go see the Pope not a doctor.

There were propaganda moralists long before the others jumped on the morality bandwagon. Movies and TV shows have always been dirty little morality plays; the Twilight Zone was the worst of them but not by much.

It can be argued that live and let live is also dogma, except that those of us who believe it do not give a rat’s ass how others live, worship, or eat; so long as they leave us alone.

I still have not figured out how forcing others to pay for abortions equals live and let live.

QUESTION: If a vaccine will prevent the coronavirus how come doctors the world over are not screaming for vaccinations to save millions of lives in Africa? ANSWER: The United Nations (the WHO) is killing a million or more by malaria every year. That total is already well over 55 million —— mostly children.

Spraying Is Not Allowed

The number of ANNUAL deaths resulting from the ban on DDT convinces me that the U.N.’s ban on outdoor spraying where the mosquitoes live is a population control method. From the U.N.’s perspective DDT is the ideal killing machine. Look at it this way. The U.N. would never get away with actively killing a million-plus kids a year by lethal injection to advance its population control agenda when doing nothing accomplishes the goal.

Malaria has killed more people, especially children, than any other infectious disease in history. Annual deaths from malaria, mostly in Africa, Asia and Central America, have long been estimated at between 1 million and 2.7 million.


Then, in 1962, Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" created a worldwide scare about DDT, which she claimed was a danger to wildlife. Much of her so-called scientific basis for a DDT ban was soon proven either wrong or exaggerated, and the 1972 edition of her book admitted as much.

No study has been able to link the use of DDT with any negative human health impact, even though sprayers have worked with the chemical many hours a day.

Nevertheless, contrary to expert testimony that DDT was not harmful to humans, animals or the environment, in a raw exercise of arbitrary power in 1972 the Environmental Protection Agency banned DDT, and it has continued to be banned in most of the world. Since then, more than 50 million people have died from malaria.

The myth of DDT versus the reality of malaria in Africa
Phyllis Schlafly
June 20, 2005

NOTE: Expect mosquitoes to make it onto the endangered species list in this country. In the same vein parasites across the board oppose treating COVID-19 with beneficial malaria drugs like hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine.

Do not spray —— send mosquito nets.

The last time Bono dabbled in governing he was big on mosquito nets.

Health invention nets Bono's praise
By Arusha and Tanzania
May 21, 2006 — 8.20pm

A cynic might say mosquito nets is a good long-term investment because nets wear out and have to be replaced. Nets is the only time I ever saw that killing human beings was applied to planned obsolescence. On the positive side baby butchers are screwed because planned obsolescence cuts into their baby body parts business

Here is a stock tip for speculators straight from the swamp. Do not wager on DDT because it kills the mosquitos.

Finally, it is fair to say that Carson’s Silent Spring created the environmental movement along with giving the world millions of dirty little moralist global warming freakazoids out to save the human race.

And let’s not forget that Silent Spring is responsible for billions of tax dollars going to educated parasites in academe.
Vaccinating against the coronavirus is a major objective in the scam medical industry parasites are pulling to the tune of 2.2 TRILLION dollars for openers. Basically, government forcing the public to get a vaccination is the end game for preventative medicine hustlers:


A million thanks to Daniel Horowitz for writing and publishing the first opposition to forced vaccinations:

Everyone agrees that states have broad internal police power to take action to stop the spread of a public health crisis. You know, kind of like the federal government has power to stop the security and health crisis at our border, yet failed to act upon it for over a year. But are there no limits whatsoever to these internal powers? Can any governor or county executive simply flick his pen and shut every business even if it doesn't create crowds? Can they unilaterally restrict every aspect of the Bill of Rights indefinitely without any oversight, due process, benchmarks, or transparency?

In Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905), the Supreme Court ruled, "It is within the police power of a State to enact a compulsory vaccination law, and it is for the legislature, and not for the courts, to determine." It therefore held that the state's mandatory vaccine against smallpox was within its constitutional authority. This built upon the established concept alluded to in the landmark Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) case that "reasonable regulations established directly by legislative enactment as will protect the public health and the public safety."

However, that same court made it clear that there is a point where states can enact policies in "such an arbitrary, unreasonable manner, or might go so far beyond what was reasonably required for the safety of the public" that they would be outside constitutional bounds.

A vaccine is a onetime action that helps an entire community. But what about governors and mayors holding press conferences every day trying to outdo each other with broad, arbitrary, and indefinite restrictions on people's movement outside their homes with few exceptions, even when they never tested positive for the virus? Traditionally, our quarantine laws throughout history were targeted to those who had the disease or to those aliens or even Americans landing at a port of entry, not applied against an entire state.

It is true that in Compagnie Francaise de Navigation a Vapeur v. Louisiana State Board of Health (1902), the Supreme Court sided with a Louisiana quarantine law barring even healthy people from entering the ports of an infected part of the state. However, even there it was not a shelter-in-place law against every single citizen already residing in the state; rather, it walled off certain parts of the state from new entrants, primarily foreign nationals, disembarking from ships.

We've simply never done this before in our history. These are not mere quarantine laws that supporters cite to justify what is going on today. Quarantine laws traditionally separate an individual or an entire group of people from the general population. What we are doing now, however, is locking down the entire general population.

Whether they use the term or not, governors are ordering nothing short of martial law, shutting down nearly all businesses and churches to the point that there will be no public services for Easter and Passover under any circumstance, and unemployment will surpass the levels of the Great Depression. Yes, there are times when that might be necessary, but the question should require a debate, transparency, time limits, and the production of more evidence about the value of these additional measures, which will undoubtedly grow legs in the coming days.

One might retort that in this circumstance, with modern travel, the disease is already rampant everywhere. But that is circular logic. In that case, it casts doubt on the entire premise of categorical lockdown, given that this has already spread to every state. Locking everyone down indoors is not a proven method of quarantine in this circumstance, where the virus is already ubiquitous.

Moreover, most of the past court cases were over clearly constructed statutes. These edicts are nothing more than memos unilaterally drawn up by governors and mayors every few days. They are arbitrarily constructed and enforced. Mass transit, the ultimate virus spreader, is still open, yet single businesses with few people in the office are closed, and individuals just driving alone in their cars for pleasure or strolling in a state park can get pulled over by a cop. Marijuana shops are considered essential in California, but not gun shops. So many important medical procedures are banned, while abortion in many states is still considered "essential."

There's got to be some limit. As the Supreme Court said in the landmark Shelton v. Tucker (1960) case, "Even [when] the governmental purpose [is] legitimate and substantial, that purpose cannot be pursued by means that broadly stifle fundamental personal liberties when the end can be more narrowly achieved." It can't be unlimited and indiscriminate, and pronouncing the death penalty on jobs, the economy, and the mental health of hundreds of millions of people is as broad as it gets.

Remember, these governors are just getting warmed up. We're only two weeks into this phase. At this pace, if we don't rise up and demand answers, there is no limit to what these politicians might do with their divine right of kings. It's appalling that Congress and state legislatures are in recess indefinitely, as random executives – from governors and mayors to county supervisors and sheriffs – rule the nation by fiat. It's time for some real debate and accountability with public input and hearings (remotely, if needed).

All of us are willing to sacrifice for public safety – a lot. But there are limits, and there are serious questions about whether those sacrifices are even helping, or in some instances, downright hurting. Either way, we will never recover from this devastating blow to liberty.

As Patrick Henry warned in 1788, "Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty! I say that the loss of that dearest privilege has ever followed, with absolute certainty, every such mad attempt."

Op-ed March 31, 2020
Horowitz: Is this quarantine or tyranny
Daniel Horowitz

Every lying expert and doctor fills the airwaves with their garbage. Every lying expert and doctor is very careful to avoid any mention of the government’s plan to vaccinate every American and to hell with constitutional Rights.

NOTE: FOX mouths repeatedly tell us that their reports are fair and balanced; so do not expect a FOX mouth to invite Horowitz to drop in and make his case to their audience.

Finally, the filthy parasites are determined to vaccinate every American, by force if necessary, while the New World Order crowd responsible for killing tens of millions black Africans will not vaccinate, or even medicate, against malaria:

QUESTION: If a vaccine will prevent the coronavirus how come doctors the world over are not screaming for vaccinations to save millions of lives in Africa? ANSWER: The United Nations (the WHO) is killing a million or more by malaria every year. That total is already well over 55 million —— mostly children.

You can bet that Ol’ Yellow knew this from the gitgo.

March 21, 2020
Anthony Fauci, the NIH’s face of the coronavirus, is a deep-state Hillary Clinton-loving stooge
By Peter Barry Chowka

NOTE: Why Gutless did not fire Clinton/Obama holdovers like Fauci is becoming clear. He needs all the help he is getting from Democrat parasites to make this change:

In focusing like a laser on American Thinker’s and the conservative right’s criticism of Anthony Fauci, M.D., the New York Times, Politico, and the Washington Post (including yesterday in its second critical article in three days that mentioned this author) have ignored some substantive critical reporting about Dr. Fauci – from the political left.

Progressive icon Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s high profile, tax exempt 501(c)3 organization Children’s Health Defense, for example, published a critical analysis of Fauci on March 27: “Dr. Fauci and COVID-19 Priorities: Therapeutics Now or Vaccines Later?” Written by Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN, the organization’s president, Mary Holland, its general counsel and vice chair, and “the CHD team,” the article is a well-annotated, stinging rebuke of the career of Dr. Fauci. For 36 years the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Fauci is currently the most prominent medical person on the president’s Coronavirus Task Force. The article begins by noting some promising alternative treatments for Covid-19 that are already being reported on, and largely ignored, by the medical establishment.

Across the country, a debate is raging about the nation’s medical response and how best to apportion available resources. Many argue, quite reasonably, for the importance of identifying safe, effective and affordable therapies that can provide immediate help to those who are sick.

On March 22, The New York Times reported that there are at least 69 existing drugs or compounds that might be effective in treating the coronavirus.

In China, researchers are studying intravenous vitamin C as a potential nontoxic treatment, while a paper published by French researchers on March 20 described promising COVID-19 results from the off-label use of hydroxychloroquine (an antimalarial) and azithromycin (an antibiotic).

The head of the French team, Didier Raoult, MD, PhD, is one of the world’s top infectious disease and virology experts, with roughly 2,000 peer-reviewed publications and multiple awards to his name.

Raoult and coauthors point out that a major advantage of “repositioning” older drugs for this coronavirus is that their safety profile, side effects, dosing and drug interactions are already well documented.

However, Ian Lipkin, MD, of Columbia University recently told MSNBC, with a grin, that investments tend to go toward treatments that are “sexy and new and patentable” rather than to “tried-and-true, classical sort of methods repurposing drugs and strategies that have already been shown to work.”

The article then zeroes in on its primary target, Dr. Fauci.

For biopharma companies that are poised to profit from COVID-19-related misfortune, older drugs that have outlived their patent terms are not terribly helpful for the bottom line.

Could this be why leading White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci, MD, long-time head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), recently pooh-poohed the published chloroquine evidence as merely “anecdotal”?

Fauci is a stalwart enthusiast of “patentable” vaccines, skilled in attracting massive government funding for vaccines that either never materialize or are spectacularly ineffective or unsafe.

For example, Fauci once shilled for the fast-tracked H1N1 influenza (“swine flu”) vaccine on YouTube, reassuring viewers in 2009 that serious adverse events were “very, very, very rare.”

Fauci is the doctor in the cartoon:

Shortly thereafter, the vaccine went on to wreak havoc in multiple countries, increasing miscarriage risks in pregnant women in the U.S., provoking a spike in adolescent narcolepsy in Scandinavia and causing febrile convulsions in one in every 110 vaccinated children in Australia—prompting the latter to suspend its influenza vaccination program in under-fives.

In 2010, then-Senator and physician Tom Coburn, MD, called out Fauci for misleadingly touting “significant progress in HIV vaccine research.”

The complete article at Children’s Health Defense can be read here.

Screen grab featuring official N.I.H. portrait of Dr. Anthony Fauci from Children’s Health Defense YouTube video

Accompanying the article is a six minute-long Children’s Health Defense YouTube video that is uncompromising in its critique of Fauci and his colleagues for their preoccupation to fast-track a coronavirus vaccine allegedly without proper testing. The video dramatically features white text on a black background interspersed with several soundbites of scientists whose comments throw cold water on the current direction of the National Institutes of Health regarding Covid-19. Some excerpts from the video’s text:

Biotech companies are racing to patent vaccines and profit from disease. Dr. Anthony Fauci has been a dedicated vaccine advocate at N.I.H. for 36 years. He demanded billions to create an HIV vaccine. It never materialized…. Dr. Fauci has little interest in treatments that can't be patented. Is it because NIH stands to make hundreds of millions in royalties when they partner with pharma on blockbuster global vaccines? Dr. Fauci delivers billions of taxpayer dollars to pharma to promote vaccine schemes while public health declines. Dr. Fauci secured $2 billion for a future coronavirus vaccine while N.I.H. partnered with biotech giant, Moderna, to share in the profits.


Still frame from Childrens Health Defense video

Dr. Fauci has applied for a dozen patents to protect his inventions while working at the N.I.H.

Also of note, and also totally ignored by the MSM, are Charles Ortleb’s numerous critical analyses of Dr. Fauci. Ortleb is a journalist, publisher, and editor on the left who founded a biweekly gay newspaper, the New York Native, in 1980. According to the New York Times (June 3, 2001), “The New York Native, then the nation's most influential gay newspaper, carried a report of a strange new ailment on May 18, 1981,” becoming the first publication in the country to take note of what would later be named AIDS. In the introduction to his 2017 podcast interview with Ortleb titled “The Infectious Myth,” David Crowe writes that Ortleb’s “career bloomed at the start of the AIDS epidemic, and then crashed when he started to criticize the HIV-AIDS dogma promulgated by the CDC and powerful pharmaceutically funded organizations within his own community.”

Last month, Ortleb made his 48-page paperback book, titled "Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic,” available for purchase on Amazon. Also in March, Ortleb uploaded his 2,000 word “editorial” titled “The Fauci Fiasco” to Scribd, where it can be read and downloaded without charge. Among the observations of Ortleb:

Anthony Fauci is not the great scientist you think he is. Every time I see someone praising Dr. Anthony Fauci to the skies on television, I say, “Oy Vey!”….

I think it is safe to say my newspaper [the New York Native] is probably the only one in the world to ever have a cover portraying Anthony Fauci as Pinocchio. If you are a journalist or scientist and you ever have the opportunity to mention my newspaper to Anthony Fauci, I can pretty much guarantee that the blood will drain from his face.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for the MSM to take note that Dr. Anthony Fauci has vocal critics on the left, too.

April 1, 2020
The progressive left also has serious problems with Dr. Fauci
By Peter Barry Chowka

I will close by reminding conservatives at election time that President Trump’s stimulus package is an attempt to buy votes from the Parasite Class. Feeding parasites tax dollars guaranties the same results regardless of which politician is guilty.
Who is Graham kidding?

WASHINGTON — The first three coronavirus relief bills passed Congress with relative ease — three massive bills in three weeks with overwhelming support.

But the early jockeying over the focus of a potential fourth aid package is already beginning to show deep partisan fault lines, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi outlining Democratic priorities and Senate Republicans pushing back.

I think Leigh Ann Caldwell meant to say ‘Pushing forward.’ Parasites infest every budget and every spending bill. No bill can pass until the parasites get the largest portion. Presidents from both parties will sign every bill that feeds the Parasite Class:

In an attempt to draw a stark contrast with House Democrats, Senate Republicans are focusing their criticism on proposed spending provisions similar to ideas like the Green New Deal that might end up in a new spending bill.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., warned Democrats Tuesday of a looming fight on phase four.

“If anybody puts a dime in phase four unrelated to the virus, they're going to be very famous because people are dying in this country — it is not time to do the Green New Deal,” Graham said on Fox News Tuesday.

Jockeying begins in Congress over the next coronavirus relief bill
Leigh Ann Caldwell
Apr 1st 2020 7:57AM

WASHINGTON, D.C.—America's heroic lawmakers have managed to come together and pass a stimulus package to save the world from the effects of the coronavirus. A grateful country full of very stimulated Americans is applauding the lifesaving efforts of Congress. Already, experts are predicting the stimulus package will save the lives of at least 85,000 government programs. Sources say that with a little congressional money laundering, that figure could even double.

"We believe that every government program's life is infinitely precious and is made in the image of its lobbyist," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. "We know that if spending two trillion dollars saves the life of at least one beautiful and valuable government program, it is worth it." Scores of grateful government program directors are writing heartfelt letters of gratitude to the lawmakers who saved their lives. "We were hanging on for dear life!" said officials from the Transgender Honeybadger Diabetes Research Foundation. "After receiving this 28 million dollar grant, we can continue operating for at least 3 more weeks!"

Some other programs and studies that are being saved include the following:

The End Violence Against Earthworms Foundation
Mothers Against Kombucha
Mothers For Kombucha
Research into creating left-handed forks
$100 million for Charlie's Angels 2: You'd Better Watch This One or We Will Call You Sexist a Second Time
Research into recaffeinating decaffeinated coffee beans
The Foundation for Preserving Foundations Foundation

Thanks to the leadership of Washington, Americans everywhere are learning to appreciate the infinite worth of every lawmaker's pet project. Experts believe this may mean a greater cultural shift toward a country that deeply respects life (of government programs.)

Stimulus Package Projected To Save The Lives Of At Least 85,000 Government Programs
March 31st, 2020

For some unknown reason Establishment Republicans are convinced that giving trillions to welfare state programs will make Americans believe the federal government is saving them from a horrible death.

Worse still, Trump believes every American will love him in November because of his daily rah-rah pep talks about the way he is handling the coronavirus. Anybody who believes a word of Trump’s sales campaign is an idiot. Parasites will always vote for the Democrat. Establishment Republicans will always vote for the Republican. The 50 percent that never vote will stay home again. They know that regardless of which piece of garbage lives in the White House they will get screwed by federal government bureaucrats

REALTY CHECK. Remember that Trump was not elected in 2016 because he campaigned on giving trillions of tax dollars to the Parasite Class. Before the coronavirus scare tactic is behind us a substantial number of Trump’s supporters will turn on him faster than Democrats will turn on Brain Dead Biden, Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi, and Vomit Schumer. Trump paying rank & file Democrats for their votes will not get him one vote in November.

I will close by reminding conservatives at election time that President Trump’s stimulus package is an attempt to buy votes from the Parasite Class. Feeding parasites tax dollars guaranties the same results regardless of which politician is guilty.

Biotech companies are racing to patent vaccines and profit from disease. Dr. Anthony Fauci has been a dedicated vaccine advocate at N.I.H. for 36 years. He demanded billions to create an HIV vaccine. It never materialized…. Dr. Fauci has little interest in treatments that can't be patented. Is it because NIH stands to make hundreds of millions in royalties when they partner with pharma on blockbuster global vaccines? Dr. Fauci delivers billions of taxpayer dollars to pharma to promote vaccine schemes while public health declines. Dr. Fauci secured $2 billion for a future coronavirus vaccine while N.I.H. partnered with biotech giant, Moderna, to share in the profits.

Dr. Fauci has applied for a dozen patents to protect his inventions while working at the N.I.H.

April 1, 2020
The progressive left also has serious problems with Dr. Fauci
By Peter Barry Chowka

Great article. I want to remind everyone about Fauci, the fake number of deaths reported as a scare tactic, and the TRILLIONS of tax dollars the fake coronavirus will enrich the Parasite Class ad infinitum:

In my current series of articles on fake epidemics—-Ebola, Zika, Swine Flu—-I’ve established that all the symptoms of these so-called diseases can be explained without invoking a virus.

This is a key.

It was my method, when I wrote my first book, AIDS INC., in 1988.

At that time, I looked into the AIDS “high-risk groups” listed by the CDC—-Africans, Haitians, IV drug users, gay men, hemophiliacs, and blood-transfusion recipients—-and I showed that the immune-system collapse (the hallmark of AIDS) in these groups could be explained without the need to refer to HIV at all.

“AIDS” was not one condition.

It was immune-deficiency caused, in various people, by a variety of factors. The hypnotic medical trick was welding all these sick and dying people together under one umbrella label: “AIDS.”

But the truth was—-depending on which “AIDS group” and which individuals you were looking at—-you had debilitating medical and street drugs destroying immune systems; you had devastating hunger and starvation; lack of basic sanitation; grinding poverty and war; vaccination campaigns; adrenal collapse…

Likewise, today, with a vast relabeling effort, any patient with any sort of lung problem, or flu-like illness, can be diagnosed and repackaged as a case of “COVID-19.” The loose set of so-called COVID symptoms allows for such fraudulent and deceptive diagnosis.

This is the central con.

Back in 1988, after combing through medical journals, I found that the number-one cause of T-cell depletion (immune-system collapse) in the world was malnutrition/hunger/starvation. Yet, in Africa and Haiti, and even in certain Western patients surviving on junk-food diets, T-cell depletion was routinely called HIV/AIDS.

Suddenly, a virus was invoked to substitute for malnutrition.

In fact, in Africa, the earlier label for AIDS was “slim disease.” That fatuous idea was invented via a deeply flawed investigation in Uganda, where the patients were “slim” simply because they were malnourished and starving, and consequently losing weight.

In New York and San Francisco, some gay men were inhaling a brutally dangerous street drug called “poppers.” Severe lung damage was just one of the drug’s many devastating effects. Profound immune-system deficiency was sure to follow.

In AIDS INC., I lay out a whole parade of immune-system destroyers in the high-risk groups; and none of these destroyers has anything to do with a virus.

—-Just as in Wuhan, in 2019, the deadly chronic air pollution hanging over the city and causing pneumonia—-the original hallmark of so-called COVID-19—-had nothing to do with a virus.

So when uninformed people bleat, “People are dying, it must be the virus,” whether they’re talking about AIDS or COVID, they’re completely off the rails and on the wrong track.

Here is another parallel between AIDS and COVID: the test for the virus.

I’ve spent many articles detailing how the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 spits out false-positive results like water from a fire hose. A doctor will tell a patient he’s infected simply because the sensitivity of the test is so jacked-up it’ll register positive on a speck of dust on the moon. This is artificial case-number building at its finest.

Well, back in 1988, there was a similar situation. The HIV antibody test was turning out a Niagara of false-positive results. I devoted a chapter in my book to the results of my extensive medical-journal search.

The evidence was undeniable. Both basic types of HIV antibody tests—-the Elisa and the Western Blot—-were, admittedly, deeply flawed. There was no gold standard for testing.

Cross-reactions were abundant: the test for HIV would come up positive for a whole host of reasons that had nothing to do with HIV, or any other virus. One reason? A person had received the hepatitis B vaccination. Well, in the 1980s, a campaign was launched to recruit gay men into a large study of the new vaccine.

A third parallel between AIDS and COVID: expanding the definition of the “disease” in order to rope in as many patients, and build up as many case numbers, as possible.

The 1987 CDC definition of AIDS, which I printed in my book in full, took up 15 pages. With a bit of rigmarole, a doctor could diagnose AIDS in a person who had almost any kind of bacterial infection.

The CDC definition of COVID-19 allows a diagnosis when the patient has nothing more than a cough, or chills and fever, accompanied by a positive PCR test.

There are other parallels between AIDS and COVID I could list, but you get the picture. In both instances, the hoax is rampant.

A few years after I published AIDS INC., I became aware of a new argument: the very existence of HIV was in doubt. Consulting the independent literature on the subject, I became convinced no one had proved HIV existed. In these pages, I’ve published, several times, an illuminating interview journalist Christine Johnson conducted with Australian biophysicist, Eleni Papadopulos, about HIV isolation. Papadopulos makes a compelling case that, according to rigorous rules laid down by mainstream researchers, HIV hasn’t been isolated.

As my readers know, for the past year I’ve been offering compelling evidence that SARS-COV-2 has never been proven to exist. Researchers twist and reverse the meaning of the word “isolation,” in order to “demonstrate” the virus is real.

The non-existence of HIV and SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t surprise me. After all, the so-called symptoms of both “conditions” can be explained without reference to a virus.

In both cases, the reality, which lights up like a giant neon sign in the darkness, is FRAUD.

My HIV/AIDS investigation, and the parallels to the COVID hoax
By Jon Rappoport
March 8, 2021