Most fascinating person?

Bill Clinton.

All politics aside, you've never seen so much charisma stuffed into one human being. And you brought up the subject of lying earlier, this man could keep twenty elaborate, interlocking whoppers in his head at a time, improvising on the fly, and have you believing every word while you're holding a stack of hard evidence to the contrary.

His wife might be even smarter than he is, but she doesn't have any of that skill at prevarication, and Gore was pretty helpless if he ever dropped his script.

But Clinton? He's like one of those plate spinners at the circus: he makes everything look completely effortless. And obviously, in a related skill, he's a total Svengali with the chicks.
legion troll

anyone that neurotic would make a fascinating study in neuroses, preferably behind bullet proof glass in a padded cell
I imagine Legion Troll to be about 35 years old, 5'6", 325#, eating greasy pizza, shirtless, and living in his mother's basement. He's got a beer bottle collection and has never had a girlfriend. He still has most of his teeth but not for long due to dental decay. He showers once per week whether he needs to or not. He masturbates frequently and has disk drives full of porn.
Apparently these two intellectual titans are consumed with the desire to know more about a fictional character on the internet whose foibles and characterisitics occupy their waking moments, and perhaps their dreams.
Actually, and I think I can speak for Yurt too, we'd both prefer if you'd simply shut the fuck up, since your machinations have become more than tiresome.
Why do you hate freedom of expression?

you are annoying, yet i don't care if you continue to parrot what your left wing sites tell you to say or think....sure, i wish you would shut up, but i wouldn't want to force you to, plus, this site gets slow sometimes and you're instant fodder and you represent libs so well :cof1:

i guess you're to simple to understand the difference between preferring someone to shut up and forcing someone to shut up, perhaps you need to go and ask your left wing teachers
Apparently these two intellectual titans are consumed with the desire to know more about a fictional character on the internet whose foibles and characterisitics occupy their waking moments, and perhaps their dreams.

thank you legion troll for admitting you're nothing but a fictional character that spouts only what his left wing blogs tell him too

i'm impressed're married right? why would you need to masterbate frequently?

the beer and the each his own....but why flog?
Mostly out of boredom. I get enough action to keep me more than satisfied. But if I have 5-10 minutes to kill....and nothing else to do....fuck it, why not? It counts as cardio anyways.
Mostly out of boredom. I get enough action to keep me more than satisfied. But if I have 5-10 minutes to kill....and nothing else to do....fuck it, why not? It counts as cardio anyways.
Oh just ignore Yurt. He's cynic. Guess he just doesn't care much for happy endings.