Most Ironic news headline

Congress passes intelligence leglislation.

It did not work for them did it :)
Wouldn't it be more like:

Congress Passes Intelligence Legislation, in an unrelated story... 435 members of congress just bailed themselves out of jail.
I missed the jail story.
Or are we back onto the sexual perversions of the Republicans again ?
It was an extension of the Intel story... But heck, failed jokes are failed jokes. You can tell they failed because you have to explain them and the Ds start focusing on male genatalia of Republicans again.
It was an extension of the Intel story... But heck, failed jokes are failed jokes. You can tell they failed because you have to explain them and the Ds start focusing on male genatalia of Republicans again.

LOL, Some of us are just commenting on the Republican fixation with the male organ. Who brought up Peter North and such ?

So at a comedy show , you consider the audience to be the comedians ?
Sort of bass ackwards there Damo.
LOL, Some of us are just commenting on the Republican fixation with the male organ. Who brought up Peter North and such ?

So at a comedy show , you consider the audience to be the comedians ?
Sort of bass ackwards there Damo.
So far, there is only one side seeking out the stories and posting them. Mostly to get on doniston's nerve. I couldn't care less. I said the RR was the bane of the party, it just shows that it is.

It doesn't change that it was a failed joke on passing a law then going to jail for it...
Damo I like the stories because of the repeatedly stated moral high ground of the Republicans. I like seeing lying bassids fall down.
Damo I like the stories because of the repeatedly stated moral high ground of the Republicans. I like seeing lying bassids fall down.

I'm just amazed by them, because I am always amazed by anyone who is lying straight through their teeth like that. I mean to be wagging your finger at Bill Clinton, while you know your visiting hookers and paying for them to do some really weird stuff to you? I mean, way weirder than oral sex, which is totally normal. I just am amazed at the gall. I'd be hiding and keeping my mouth shut and just praying that nobody foudn out about me. But not them! NO sir, they will actually stand in front of a television camera and talk about their moral values, and how wanting other people are, and then go bugger a teenage boy! Wow.
So far, there is only one side seeking out the stories and posting them. Mostly to get on doniston's nerve. I couldn't care less. I said the RR was the bane of the party, it just shows that it is.

It doesn't change that it was a failed joke on passing a law then going to jail for it...
you got that wrong. Seeing the stories dosen't baother me. it is the (mostly partisan) hypocrites who are incessed by them which get to me.