Most Obscene Poster


Junior Member
And the most racist, bigoted, homophobic, and nasty has to be Maineman. Just a few examples of his statements that I have cut and pasted for your enjoyment. (Note they are not all about me)>> These are all statements by Maineman....

...but a pimply faced dweeb who can't get any girls.

ammo up fairy

fuck you you little twerp....

which makes you a disgusting slanderous toad who doesn't deserve to share any more of my oxygen than you already have

am not glad that you stay around. I wish you would die of the cancer you claim consumes you.

Buttfuck"... "reacharound"..."felch".... "frequent HIV tests" now those are "gay" words

that gives toby's ancestral gene pool a lot more credit than I believe it is due... I rather imagine his mother as a retarded junky and his father an alcoholic neonazi biker who raped her at a methadone clinic and was long gone before her pregnancy ever was known

more graphic visual imagery portraying toby having sex with pets and diseased hookers and corpses and rotting vegetables for me to even approach his level of insults. I am just getting started

you ARE a dumb illeterate hick
did I say pathetic

You are one pathetic lying sack of slanderous shit

could that be because you are a pathetic, traitorous coward? lol

slanderous fuck

pathetic cowardly fuck

I hope cancer kills you sometime relatively soon, you disgusting piece of shit...but not before it inflicts an inordinate amount of pain on your sorry ass.

I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, but I would make a special trip to piss on your grave.

..the nigger lynching racist. how the fuck IS the strange fruit in your cherry tree?
I got no place in me that lightens up to assholes like you who accuse me of the shit that you and toby accuse me of... got it?
Man, I missed the post where maineman talked about Bush jhism on Dano chin........where was that post?