Mother Chased Leopard for Almost a Mile Then Fought It After It Took Her 8-year-old S


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Mother Chased Leopard for Almost a Mile Then Fought It After It Took Her 8-year-old Son

Amother from the Indian state Madhya Pradesh chased down a leopard for almost a mile before fighting it to save her 8-year-old son.

The woman, Kiran Baiga, was working at around 7 p.m. local time on November 28 when a leopard snatched the boy, Rahul, who was sitting nearby. She saw the leopard run off and chased it for 1 kilometer (0.6 miles), News18 reports.

When she caught up to the leopard, Baiga found it with her son in its jaws, and it was holding him with its claws.

According to Granthshala India, Baiga struck the leopard with a stick and managed to free Rahul. The leopard then attacked Baiga and she grabbed its paw and pushed it away.

Other villagers then arrived at the scene and the leopard ran away into the forest, News18 reports. Baiga then lost consciousness and woke up in hospital.

Both Baiga and her son were injured in the attack and received treatment in hospital. Footage of the pair being interviewed has been shared online. Rahul appears to have suffered an injury to his eye, cheek and chin.

Nikhil Suryavanshi, from News18, tweeted: "In Sidhi district of Madhya Pradesh, a mother fought to ... save her son. The ... son of this mother was taken away by the leopard. The mother chased the leopard a kilometer away and snatched the child from it.

Both mother and son were injured in this incident."

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Hopefully they have a full recovery.

That's what guns are made for. Killing wildcats, bears, coyotes. Whatever needs kilt, basically.

If crackers from back in the day never did that in America, these Milquetoast soft leftist motherfuckers wouldn't even be around.

It's not like they know how to make it in the real world or anything. Where to get things to eat and whatnot.

How to kill a pack of coyotes or a bear or a wildcat.

Lemme tell you something. If you're ever deep in the woods and smell cat piss, that's not a good feeling and it chills a cracker like me to the bone.

Cats are serious business. I've never seen a black panther, but I've seen a regular one here. That's enough for me.

You're lucky if you draw a bead on it and shoot before it rips you apart. I haven't had to yet, Thank God.
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Hopefully they have a full recovery.

That's what guns are made for. Killing wildcats, bears, coyotes. Whatever needs kilt, basically.

If crackers from back in the day never did that in America, these Milquetoast soft leftist motherfuckers wouldn't even be around.

It's not like they know how to make it in the real world or anything. Where to get things to eat and whatnot.

How to kill a pack of coyotes or a bear or a wildcat.

Lemme tell you something. If you're ever deep in the woods and smell cat piss, that's not a good feeling and it chills a cracker like me to the bone.

Cats are serious business. I've never seen a black panther, but I've seen a regular one here. That's enough for me.

You're lucky if you draw a bead on it and shoot before it rips you apart. I haven't had to yet, Thank God.

Fuck you loud mouthed idiot.

Like all rightwing wannabe heroes, you're all talk.

People actually needed guns back then and nobody on the left today is saying otherwise you bloviating redneck jackass.

I truly hope every last on of you macho-talking, asshole gun-goobers accidentally fucking shoot yourselves someday.
Fuck you loud mouthed idiot.

Like all rightwing wannabe heroes, you're all talk.

People actually needed guns back then and nobody on the left today is saying otherwise you bloviating redneck jackass.

I truly hope every last on of you macho-talking, asshole gun-goobers accidentally fucking shoot yourselves someday.

That's nice, honey. :)
Cats are serious business. I've never seen a black panther, but I've seen a regular one here. That's enough for me.

You're lucky if you draw a bead on it and shoot before it rips you apart. I haven't had to yet, Thank God.

It's amazing how the media just refuses to run stories about another poor unarmed person being ripped apart by a black panther every week.
I guess it is just no longer news because it happens so often.
Hopefully they have a full recovery.

That's what guns are made for. Killing wildcats, bears, coyotes. Whatever needs kilt, basically.

If crackers from back in the day never did that in America, these Milquetoast soft leftist motherfuckers wouldn't even be around.

It's not like they know how to make it in the real world or anything. Where to get things to eat and whatnot.

How to kill a pack of coyotes or a bear or a wildcat.

Lemme tell you something. If you're ever deep in the woods and smell cat piss, that's not a good feeling and it chills a cracker like me to the bone.

Cats are serious business. I've never seen a black panther, but I've seen a regular one here. That's enough for me.

You're lucky if you draw a bead on it and shoot before it rips you apart. I haven't had to yet, Thank God.

That reminds me of a Far Side cartoon. A huge monster is lying dead in the street of a city and a reporter is interviewing an old man holding a shotgun and the caption reads “ Well I saw this monster on TV terrorizing folks and I thought hell why doesn’t someone just shoot the varmint.”.

Try not to be a varmint.