Mott: I hope you don't use this dentist!!

cancel2 2022

NORTH VERNON, Ind (April 12, 2016) - A North Vernon man and his wife are seeking a lawsuit against a Columbus dentist, claiming the dentist unexpectedly pulled all of the man’s teeth and overdosed him during the procedure. “That’s like going in and having something a simple carpel tunnel surgery, and you wake up with no arm,” said Donny Grigsby. “You know, you wasn’t prepared for that.” Donny and his wife Amanda say they paid a walk-in visit on March 15 to White River Dental in Columbus to address a toothache Donny had. After discussing the procedure with the dental staff, they say they expected Donny to have four teeth extracted while under sedation. But after waiting several hours in a lobby, Amanda grew anxious.

“Three and a half hours in, I said what is taking so long,” Amanda Grigsby said. “And they told me outright that they had elected to pull all of his teeth.”
Amanda said a nurse told her there was concern about an infection spreading in Donny’s mouth. She then asked the dentist, Doctor Aaron Strickland, why all Donny’s teeth were being pulled.

“He said, well he signed for multiple extractions.,” Amanda said. “And I said, that was four. You and he discussed four extractions.” After another two hours, Amanda says she pushed her way back into the procedure room where Donny was, and found that Donny had been overdosed during sedation.

“And my husband is sitting up, kind of sideways on the chair, and they’re shooting icing into his mouth,” Amanda said. "I’m assuming for a glucose type effect. There’s blood everywhere, like his shirt is entirely covered, his mouth is pouring blood. And he has no teeth. He’s grumbling inaudibly.” An ambulance was called to transport Donny to Columbus Regional Hospital. The Grigsbys say Donny coded twice over the course of his transport and trauma care for the overdose.

“It was like bits and pieces, weird, it was like I wasn’t even alive,” Donny said. “It was like I was dreaming it.” Donny says he awoke in a hospital bed at Columbus Regional Hospital. “I woke up in the hospital, and I asked for something to drink and I realized I had no teeth,” Donny said.

Nearly a month after the incident, Donny says he’s still on oxygen due to blood clotting. He says he’s unable to go to work and has residual pain in his jaw. He also says he feels uncomfortable around friends without any teeth in his mouth. “When I first see them again, they look at me and they even question that it’s even me,” Donny said. “That makes somebody feel like crap.”