Move along its only swamp gas


Sanctimonious Prick
I'm getting curious now as to how much has been covered up concerning terror attacks in this country. There have been numerous attacks by muslim men on innocent people and in each case its described as individuals acting on their own and they are always mentally disturbed. Like islamofacists aren't?

The latest event was in San fransico. I've lost count how many of these have gone on and who knows how many have not made the news.

The response form law officials is always "he's mentally unstable". Isn't that exactly what the islamic clerics are looking for and trying to inspire. They want muslims to rise up and take action on their own. And when these guys do it they are "unstable individuals".

Reminds me of the old UFO explainations given in the 50's and 60's its only swamp gas. 150 reputable people saw a metal object flying around, but its only swamp gas.

These mentally disturbed cases are sounding like the same sort of misdirection information given out back then. Is it motivated to keep repercussions down? To control racial hatred? To give the impression there have been no terror attacks since 9/11?

Its got my radar tweaking here.