Move‘em Out


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Before then-President-elect Donald Trump’s moved into the White House his team said they could kick the press corps out of the building. Frankly, I was partial to the Old Executive Office Building when the story broke.

The plan reportedly under consideration involves kicking the media out of the White House press room, where reporters have worked for decades, into either the White House Conference Center or to the Old Executive Office Building, which is next door to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Sean Spicer, Trump's press secretary acknowledged that "there has been some discussion about how to do it” but insisted "there has been no decision.” He said the discussions were a question of inclusion rather than exclusion. "A question is: Is a room that has forty-nine seats adequate? When we had that press conference the other day, we had thousands of requests, and we capped it at four hundred,” Spicer said. “Is there an opportunity to potentially allow more members of the media to be part of this? That's something we're discussing.”

Jan. 15 2017 10:40 AM
Trump Team Considers Kicking Press Corps Out of White House
By Daniel Politi

Before long the Russians threw shit in the game:

Sputnik, a Russian state-owned website accused of being an arm of Moscow’s international propaganda apparatus, is petitioning the White House for press accreditation.

State-owned Russian website Sputnik seeks White House press credentials
By Andrew Blake
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Considering the press’ political preference I am pretty sure our guys made room for the Russians.

This one beat the hell out of moving them next door:

…Maybe the best thing to do would be to cancel all future “press briefings” and hand out written responses for the sake of accuracy???

Spicer bursts media's bubble with just a few choice words
Posted By Garth Kant On 05/12/2017 @ 8:29 pm

Now Trump can justify moving them out of the White House:

Donald J. Trump

The reason Sarah Sanders does not go to the “podium” much anymore is that the press covers her so rudely & inaccurately, in particular certain members of the press. I told her not to bother, the word gets out anyway! Most will never cover us fairly & hence, the term, Fake News!

10:28 AM - Jan 22, 2019
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40.9K people are talking about this

Where in hell does the Constitution say that reporters have a Right to ask questions in the WHITE HOUSE? ANSWER: They do not.

tenancy (noun)
plural tenancies

1. Possession or occupancy of lands, buildings, or other property by title, under a lease, or on payment of rent.

2. The period of a tenant's occupancy or possession.

3. A habitation held or occupied by a tenant.

Not only do media parasites demand space, they will get everlasting rent-free tenancy if they win their lawsuit:


Finally, I always said that 1913 was the worst year in this country’s history. The press betrayed this country so many times after 1913 maybe 1902 deserves the record:

Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to give the press an official office, in 1902, and until Nixon constructed the current press room with its 49-seat amphitheater, there was no fixed location for briefings or presidential press conferences, which were usually informal affairs, most often off the record.

The Fascinating History of the White House Press Room
By Richard E. Farley
Jan 17, 2017
Before then-President-elect Donald Trump’s moved into the White House his team said they could kick the press corps out of the building. Frankly, I was partial to the Old Executive Office Building when the story broke.

One more reason why the press corps should be evicted from the White House:

Hostile doesn’t begin to explain press antics at Kayleigh McEnany presser, demands & insults fly
July 21, 2020
Jon Dougherty

Most of Trump’s reelection problems are rooted in his lack of political courage when he refused to fire every Clinton and Obama holdover. Moving the press corps over to the Old Executive Office Building should be an easy call. If he needs a courage booster shot somebody should tell that nothing will please an overwhelming majority of Americans than to see ‘self-important journalists’ get their comeuppance.