Movies I would like to see made


There are several stories I would like to see translated to the big screen ...
Some of them historical, some bio's and some fantasy .. for example:

Revelations .. Ok ... there is the Omen type movies ... and there is Rosemary's Baby ... nope ... Im talkin about an epic ... beginning with John recieving the visions of the Apocalypse .. wow ..what Hollywood could with this ... Period, Epic and Sci-Fi all rolled into one big glossy FX package! I will give this one to Mel Gibson .....

Founding Fathers, Brothers or what have you ... A grand epic outlining the Founding of the USA ... centered around the enlightened ones ...with Adams and Jefferson being the main character studies. I think Ron Howard would be good for this one ... and how about Russell Crowe as Jefferson?

Movie Bio on Dean Martins life ... this guy had an interesting life .. started out as a local boxer ...went on to become a local lounge singer, mob ties, hooked up with a comedian ...they went on to break box office records... split.. he went on to become a chart topping singer, A-List actor, member of the legendary Rat Pack, A number one TV show. I believe he is the only entertainer to hit number one in Music, Movies and TV .... (maybe Cher and Doris Day) This is another movie that would have elements of period ethinicity, a little mob action ... inside look at hollywood... give it to Scorcese ...

Movie Bio-Epic on the Beatles .... Oliver Stone... are you listening? There have been Movies made on the Beatles... and they sucked. There is so much material here it isnt funny... from their humble beginnings to Beatlemania, to drugs and Pepper.. to TM in India, to Apple Corps and Yoko, to the rooftop Paul and Linda recording solo in the Country ... and that fatal day in front of the Dekota ...

Justice League vrs The Avengers! I guess you start out by trying to get Tim Burton to do this one ... I'd love to see the Marvel and DC 4 part series joint venture translated to the big screen ... but do you try and do it with live actors... or should it be a grand Animated Epic?
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Add ... Brents "Pre-Adamites and the Apocalypse" to the list with Adam producing and directing ....
I would like to see a factual history of the Bush dynasty. Not leaning either way, just facts. All the way back to Preston Bush .
There has been a slew of Kennedy movies made.. but you are correct Damo .. always with the heavy hand of bias ...
thats a good one! With Michael Moore directing? ;)

I know my grammer leaves a lot to be desired, gut I thought I made it clear that they were to be facts and nothing but the facts.
Just can't get away from being a bushie ?
Keep working on it.
I expect that after Bush is out of office and the rest of the story is told that the Kennedys will have nothing on the Bushes as far as slime is concerned.
Both dynastys suck.
I know my grammer leaves a lot to be desired, gut I thought I made it clear that they were to be facts and nothing but the facts.
Just can't get away from being a bushie ?
Keep working on it.

USC ..Just kiddin with the Moore thing .. and I agree with you .. I think a factual Movie on the Bush dynasty would be great!
I expect that after Bush is out of office and the rest of the story is told that the Kennedys will have nothing on the Bushes as far as slime is concerned.
Both dynastys suck.

Agree ..thats why I am firmly opposed to Jeb running for Prez ..and for that matter ..Hillary as well ... enough is enough ...
NP Klaatu, I don't get my panties in a wad over stuff on here anyway.
Has anyone read the Woodward book on the Bushes ?
Supposedly very favorable, but I was not impressed by the Bushes after reading it.