Moving back to Western New York


In two weeks... while most of the UHUALS on the interstates head southward... I'll be heading northward. Yup ... this guy is tying up loose ends here in South Florida and heading back to the area of my roots. Im actually looking forward to a Thanksgiving and Christmas up North!
I think Fl pretty well sucks Klaatu. The senery on the beach can be nice though ;)
Deal with em on the Uhaul, you should get a good deal for taking one up there for someone to use heading south.
I think Fl pretty well sucks Klaatu. The senery on the beach can be nice though ;)
Deal with em on the Uhaul, you should get a good deal for taking one up there for someone to use heading south.

There is a whole lot to like about Florida ..and Weather from now through April is number one on that list, but there is another list .."the what I dont like about Florida list" ...and this list is one of several factors that has me moving back to Western NY. Its not sour grapes or anything like that...its just a rational decision and getting out while the gettin is good on the other end.....meaning what I can obtain for my money by sellling here and buying there.

USC.... as far as the Uhaul.. you are correct..... I got a tremendous deal through Penske .. I actually made a deal with them a few weeks ago .... and didnt get the deposit in on time ... I called back last night and saved 400.00 .... and put a deposit in right away!
I am sure Boca will miss you.

Me personally, I hate Boca and that area... Jupiter is much nicer!
I love boca... id love this weather now highs in the 50-60 and wearing sweatshirts....

i dunno why but whenever i have drinks on my friends deck in the summer i sweat.
klaatu? you sold your house? or are you renting it out? we will be up here permanently come november 17th, right before T-day!
In two weeks... while most of the UHUALS on the interstates head southward... I'll be heading northward. Yup ... this guy is tying up loose ends here in South Florida and heading back to the area of my roots. Im actually looking forward to a Thanksgiving and Christmas up North!

Enjoy the upstate New York winters!
Enjoy the upstate New York winters!

Well, the one winter I spent in Buffalo NY I kept waiting for the "lake effect" snow, really looked forward to it! Had my cross-country skis all waxed and waiting --- and that year, just for me, there was almost no snow (relatively speaking, that is!). How disappointing!
In two weeks... while most of the UHUALS on the interstates head southward... I'll be heading northward. Yup ... this guy is tying up loose ends here in South Florida and heading back to the area of my roots. Im actually looking forward to a Thanksgiving and Christmas up North!
I hope you factored in politics in your decision. It must be awful frustrating to be a Conservative in New York. Florida Republicans (Foley excepted of course) have done so much better than national Republicans in generating surpluses, keeping down taxes and spending.

Good luck if that's really your choice. I drove through Buffalo once and when I think about it compared to Florida, I think your nuts. Although I heard Rochester is nice.
I hope you factored in politics in your decision. It must be awful frustrating to be a Conservative in New York. Florida Republicans (Foley excepted of course) have done so much better than national Republicans in generating surpluses, keeping down taxes and spending.

Good luck if that's really your choice. I drove through Buffalo once and when I think about it compared to Florida, I think your nuts. Although I heard Rochester is nice.

I knew you were going to say something political LOL... Dano could u imagine living in florida in summer, i sweat all summer having drinks at my friends house... to me october is like the best weather.... sweatshirt weather.....
I knew you were going to say something political LOL... Dano could u imagine living in florida in summer, i sweat all summer having drinks at my friends house... to me october is like the best weather.... sweatshirt weather.....
I really enjoy summer, nothing better than going to a water park, beach or using a pool on a hot day.

Winter sucks, keep paying the heat bill and it's not much fun. Go global warming!
It's a wash on the heating/AC bills Dano. In FL you hide in AC during the summer. In NY you hide in headed spaces during the winter.
OPn other bills, I saved over 1k per year on auto ins when I moved from FL to KY. And well over $1500 / YR on homeowners insurance.
Well, the heating bills are getting an early workout this year. Buffalo just got over two feet of snow (October 12-13th!!!). Must be to make up for the snow that I was waiting for and didn't see.:p
Dano ... I live in South Florida... there is no place on the Planet that is more Liberal than South East Florida = Palm Beach and Broward. As far as knowing what to expect in Western New York... I lived there for most of my first 40 years... Im well aquainted.

Lets look at the cost of living .... Down here I am now paying $5000.00 a year for Home Owners Ins. on a 2000 sq foot home ..... same sq footage up in Western New York would be less than a $1000.00. As USC stated... Auto Insurance would be cut in half. May thru Oct. A/C bills wash out the Winter Heating bills. Taxes are higher in Western NY. Annual Income is about the same... although lower level jobs pay higher in Western NY..... and benefit packages are better in the North.
I dont have to worry about kids and education, but if I did...the schools are superior in Western NY.
Now how about bang for the buck when it comes to Real Estate? In western NY I could buy a castle for what I am selling my home for down here in South Florida. But I wont buy a castle... I will look for another 2000 sq foot home with lot of land to boot... and pay a 1/3 of what it would cost down here!
At my age ...I am looking at settling comfortably... Im not going after turn over investment.
Is givng up the year around 24/7 great weather worth the trade off? You bet ...
Well, the heating bills are getting an early workout this year. Buffalo just got over two feet of snow (October 12-13th!!!). Must be to make up for the snow that I was waiting for and didn't see.:p

This is a feak! It'll be gone in a day ... general thinking is the area will have another light winter as they did last year. I hope this turns out true I can comfortably reacclimate into the area. lol
klaatu? you sold your house? or are you renting it out? we will be up here permanently come november 17th, right before T-day!

Im clearing it out... going to do a little cosmetic work (painting, minor repairs) while its empty... and turn it over to my realtor... I now have a realtor that specializes in International clients. Im going to leave it empty for 2 mos. If it doesnt sell .... I will then rent it out.
general thinking is the area will have another light winter as they did last year. I hope this turns out true I can comfortably reacclimate into the area. lol

That seems to be the prediction for the whole of N.America. Just remember -- layers of clothing, and if you can wear it without itching -- nothing's warmer than wool! When I moved to DC from I was under the illusion that it was the South (well, compared to where I'm from it is) and therefore it was warm. Wrong. I spent most weekends, even during the winter, birding along the Potomac and nearly froze to death because I wasn't dressed for it.

Your plan sounds like a good one. Hope all goes well with the sale in Fl. and have a safe trip.