Mr. Groan Vindicated

Mr. Groan spoke from on high many moons, or was it eons ago, about how inferior the reputation system is compared to the 'groan' system. The enlightened high lords of this site have seen the error of their ways and the wonderous, illuminating glory of Mr. Groan's wisdom by demolishing the reputation system in favor of the greatest novelty on the interwebs, the 'groan' system.

Enlightened and humorous chaos nows reigns on this board. The squabbles over reputation were petty and dull. The battles over 'groans' are epic, glorious, honorable and will someday be remembered as renowned.

Mr. Groan has spoken and the world trembled in fear of the 'groan'.

Mr. Groan has noticed the 'groan war' has escalated beyond the holy trinity's executive order demanding punishment of a one, 'Damn Yankee'. Resident citizens of this great utopia, commonly referred to as JPP, have risen up and started groaning nearly every post of their foes. The citizens demanded and received freedom from the oppressive regime of the reputation system.

Mr. Groan's goal of taking over the world has come true. Mr. Groan shall eventually dominate the entire galaxy and be worshiped for his foresight that groans are vastly superior to reputation points. Groans can be seen publicly, thus, the petty reputation battles have now become front and center with groans. Game on fellow citizens!

Viva la Groans!
