Mrs Clinton has spread big lies

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Alliance of builders
American/Zionist plotters have spread big lies aimed at damaging the Islamic Republic of Iran’s relations with neighboring countries.

In the past, similar reports were made about Iran and Turkey, and this time about Afghanistan but the Afghan president reacted in an appropriate way.

Iran has helped reconstruction of Afghanistan and the repair of its economic infrastructure after the failed American/Zionist invasion and Iran will pursue relations with our neighbor in the future too.

A major part of Iran’s financial assistance to Afghanistan is in the form of credit for Iranian companies, which run various projects there.

All aid given by Tehran to Kabul has the approval of the Iranian parliament.

Washington pays Afghanistan bribes, so the American State Department is hardly in a position to denounce Tehran's act of Muslim kindliness. On the other hand, the Zionists are terribly anxious to demonize the country of Iran and to keep it from having any influence in Afghanistan.

To be sure, Iran is going to be around for the future, because U.S. President Barack Obama has publicly admitted that the withdrawal of his defeated American troops will begin next July.

False accusations of military aid to our Muslim brothers are a feeble attempt to explain away America's failures in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Of course Iran has an interest in its neighbors and their future.

The failed Afghan occupation by America and it's puppets has left Iran with over 2 million Afghan refugees within its borders. Iran plays a constructive role in Afghanistan because the more Iran pursues this policy, the better it can reduce the number of people who illegally immigrate to Iran. Surely, even Americans understand we want no illegal immigration.

The criminal invasion of Iraq by the Zionist lackeys has pushed many Iraqis into camps on the other side of our border when they fled the murder, rape and robbery perpetrated by blood-thirsty U.S. troops.

We see great benefit in having a presence in Afghanistan, not only because people who are struggling to survive will welcome any financial help they can get, but because of the proximity to Pakistan, where many of our brothers are sheltered.

Do not presume to dictate to Iran, lest you reap the whirlwind!
Iran should implement separation of church and state. Anything less will eventually lead to destruction from within via civil unrest.