MSM trying to silence Harris campaign


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All morning long, all the liberals have been talking about this latest attempt on the Clown in Chief's life, of which I personally believe is Fake News and staged. I am predicting at least 20 more attempts in the very near future, since staging assassination attempts have proven to be profitable of late...just sayin​

What is pissin me off, is that, The View ladies, Joe and Mika and on and on and on, all are calling for BOTH SIDES TO TONE IT DOWN....both sides?????? Since when did Harris, call out anybody and spew hate??? I'm gonna wait for this one...Harris simply is trying to convey to the American Stupid, that Donny Dumb as fuck, is not good for this nation, nor our democracy, what in the hell is she lying about and what is dangerous in what she's saying...again, I'll wait......Meanwhile, you got Donny Dumb as Fuck, JP Vagina and his MAGA nut motherfuckers, hating on anybody with brown skin, talking shit about everybody that don't kiss his saggy white ass, but HE AND HARRIS ARE SOMEHOW ON EQUAL FOOTING WHEN IT COMES TO HATE SPEECH?​

Trump gets to say what ever the fuck he wants and he does, but Harris can't???​

If Harris and the Dem's come out with this sugar water bullshit campaign shit, so help me God, I'm staying home this Nov. Either come with a pit bull or stay the fuck home, Democrats and SAY FUCK YOU TO DONALD TRUMP!!​


up Why does this motherfucker get all this attention and best wishes bullshit, while babies have to fear every waking moment of their young lives living in fear of being gunned down while in school or playing outside???? Trump is the biggest proprietor of hate speech, hate rhetoric, etc, but can't nobody say nothing about it.​
