APP - MSNBC is very, very, very scared


Watching the left wingers on Morning Joe this morning and they were talking about the sorry hit piece the NY Times tried to run on Trump and women. Of course like everything they have thrown at Trump it backfired big time. Now they are afraid that Trump has had the door opened to go after all those things that the Clinton's have done that the media has kept quiet. Like Bill Clinton being buddy buddy with a convicted pedophile. Now we all know if it was Todd Palin that was buddy buddy with a pedophile the left wouldn't say "Oh that is between Todd and Sarah". No sir, we would be treated to a daily barrage of stories about it.

But Donnie Deutsch said things are going to come out now and Mika looked like she was going to cry.

I will still not vote for Trump, but if he utterly destroys the Clintons in this process, he will have done America a great service.

This is going to be good.
I love watching Morning Shmo on PMSNBC

Today they are writing their hands over the Nevada debacle which none of the left on JPP seem to want to talk about

The democrat party is imploding right before our eyes. The democrat party has been a coalition divided by race, gender and class and it is now fraying

Bernie supporters except proclaimed JPP supporters are on their way to the bitter barn and may not show up in November. Maybe they will. Maybe they won't.
I think the only JPP members who spoke in favor of Bernie were actually Republicans.......the rest were dyed in the wool Hillarytards.......
I think the only JPP members who spoke in favor of Bernie were actually Republicans.......the rest were dyed in the wool Hillarytards.......

I agree. I don't believe that the support of Bernie on this board was very deep or strong at any level. It was tepid at best. Almost as if hedging their bets

That being said it is clear that they know what a flawed candidate Crooked Hillary is. Every leftie here already rejected her once.

It is really early for lefties here to be getting desperate but Jarod definitely is judging by his lame attempt to make the monicker Dangerous Don stick. First of all it could be spun as s positive. Trump is dangerous to the status quo. There is no way to positively spin the word crooked.