APP - MSNBC vindicates Donald Trumps plan to ban muslims



First of all, don't let the link from The Blaze turn you off. They have embedded video from Morning Joe and they were discussing the Visa program that allowed Jihadi Jane into our country to help kill 14 Americans.

What we learned is that she was radicalized LONG before she met Jihadi Joe and they began their romance. So that means that the stringent K-1 Visa program or "fiancé visa" program that she went through failed miserably.

Now if you watch this all the way through, while they don't come out and endorse Trumps plan, Mika (never confused with a right winger) keeps asking "who has a better plan?" and everyone was stumped.

Now personally, I think Trump should have said we halt immigration from all of these war torn countries as well as countries listed as state sponsors of terror then he could have avoided the whole political correctness thing.

The reality is that what Trump is saying makes sense to the majority of thinking Americans even though most may not say it out loud because of political correctness.