APP - Mueller and Blasey Ford - What do they have in common?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Seems odd that someone would make that connection doesn't it? But, mine is the kind of political analysis that you won't get from most on this board. I am able to see things that others can't

Let me break it down for you. Both of these people are part and parcel of the democrat party/deep state playbook in taking down their political opponents.

Blasey Ford never intended to testify in front of Congress. She never intended to prove her accusations. The whole game was set up to apply pressure to weak kneed Republicans so they would turn on the candidate. That is how they play the game. Have you noticed that since Kavanaugh was confirmed, there are no more accusations. Nothing. None. Zip. Nada. Blasey Ford doesn't seem to care anymore that he is on the court. The only reason that they were beaten back was Trump did not give up the fight. I am very sure that many weak kneed Republicans went to him and said "you need to dump Kavanaugh and find someone else". Trump said F that.

Now how does this relate to Muller?

Simple, it was the same tactic. The democrats and the deep state knew that Trump never "colluded" with Russia. Muller knew it too. But, they tried desperately to put pressure on weak kneed Republicans through orchestrated leaks from Muller and trying to drive down Trump's approval ratings so that the GOP would turn on him making it easier for the democrat party to impeach him and get him to resign.

But again, they don't know who they are dealing with. Trump doesn't back down from a fight. I don't know of any Republican in office that could have withstood the onslaught that Trump has fought off in his first two years in office. They would have either resigned or caved to leftist pressure. But he hasn't and it is driving the establishment crazy. Crazy enough that they are making mistakes.

Now Trump has found the right guy in AG Barr who is investigating the deep state. I still don't have confidence that they will do a perp walk, but they are feeling the heat and are scared. So much so that Brennan and Comey are publicly turning fire on each other. That is a hopeful sign.
Seems odd that someone would make that connection doesn't it? But, mine is the kind of political analysis that you won't get from most on this board. I am able to see things that others can't

Let me break it down for you. Both of these people are part and parcel of the democrat party/deep state playbook in taking down their political opponents.

Blasey Ford never intended to testify in front of Congress. She never intended to prove her accusations. The whole game was set up to apply pressure to weak kneed Republicans so they would turn on the candidate. That is how they play the game. Have you noticed that since Kavanaugh was confirmed, there are no more accusations. Nothing. None. Zip. Nada. Blasey Ford doesn't seem to care anymore that he is on the court. The only reason that they were beaten back was Trump did not give up the fight. I am very sure that many weak kneed Republicans went to him and said "you need to dump Kavanaugh and find someone else". Trump said F that.

Now how does this relate to Muller?

Simple, it was the same tactic. The democrats and the deep state knew that Trump never "colluded" with Russia. Muller knew it too. But, they tried desperately to put pressure on weak kneed Republicans through orchestrated leaks from Muller and trying to drive down Trump's approval ratings so that the GOP would turn on him making it easier for the democrat party to impeach him and get him to resign.

But again, they don't know who they are dealing with. Trump doesn't back down from a fight. I don't know of any Republican in office that could have withstood the onslaught that Trump has fought off in his first two years in office. They would have either resigned or caved to leftist pressure. But he hasn't and it is driving the establishment crazy. Crazy enough that they are making mistakes.

Now Trump has found the right guy in AG Barr who is investigating the deep state. I still don't have confidence that they will do a perp walk, but they are feeling the heat and are scared. So much so that Brennan and Comey are publicly turning fire on each other. That is a hopeful sign.

awesome analysis teflon

i think kavanaugh for me was the moment where I realized... trump is a different kind of president. I think his fighting spirit has finally given some republicans their balls back.