Mueller Investigation


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Why is it called an investigation? In the partisan politics of today's landscape, the outcome is a goal that has already been set in advance, so why is this called an investigation? What makes Mueller any different than the lefties here who are about to state how guilty they already "know" Trump is? Lefties here don't need any investigation to assert guilt any more than Mueller does, so why is this called an investigation?
Isn't it a coincidence this news drops right after a liberal goes apeshit and tries to kill GOP members? This was released to fade the heat
Isn't it a coincidence this news drops right after a liberal goes apeshit and tries to kill GOP members? This was released to fade the heat

I don't see how a kangaroo court investigation could help the lefty cause any more than having evince "investigate" for obstruction. It does not seem that lefties are plotting how to start winning elections again, and that they have had to resort to figuring out how to get control via other means. If they would just spend the next three years figuring out how to present a better way, they could stand a chance of regaining control of power.

In unequivocal language, the report pins responsibility for the election attack directly on President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, ruling out the possibility that it was ordered by intelligence officials or simply carried out by Kremlin supporters.
• United States officials believe Mr. Putin wants to damage the image of American democracy to make it less attractive to Russians and their neighbors.
I don't see how a kangaroo court investigation could help the lefty cause any more than having evince "investigate" for obstruction. It does not seem that lefties are plotting how to start winning elections again, and that they have had to resort to figuring out how to get control via other means. If they would just spend the next three years figuring out how to present a better way, they could stand a chance of regaining control of power.

fuck you traitor

you will pay for your evil traitorous actions
you cant even get passed a well informed house wife with a AA

your lies are done

tell Putin he can suck the dick of a dead mule
Posts like that are the basis for this thread. I cited that post right in my opening post, before it was even posted. Evince did an excellent job validating my opening post.
In unequivocal language, the report pins responsibility for the election attack directly on President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia

Although you have just taken the blame away from Trump or his campaign and put it directly on Putin who we do not control, this is not related to my opening post that asks why Mueller's "investigation", is even called such a thing. The reason why lefties can't win elections anymore, is because of how lefties determine what is fact, and because lefties can't answer any questions with an answer to that specific question. When lefties answer with a question with an answer to the wrong question, it becomes obvious that the lefty does not actually have an answer. A lefties can't even answer a simple post like this one correctly, and can only resort to asserting emotionally based juvenile statements that dodge the question, which is why lefties do not have any chances of ever winning elections again.
Why is it called an investigation? In the partisan politics of today's landscape, the outcome is a goal that has already been set in advance, so why is this called an investigation? What makes Mueller any different than the lefties here who are about to state how guilty they already "know" Trump is? Lefties here don't need any investigation to assert guilt any more than Mueller does, so why is this called an investigation?
You answered your own question in the second sentence of the OP. The outcome has already been determined, they have to formalize it with an 'investigation'.
In all fairness this BS started with impeaching BJ Clinton over nothing.
Starr started with Whitewater, couldn't find anything, and expanded it to BJ lying in a deposition. We all knew BJ was a lyin' sleezebag and couldn't tell the truth about anything under any circumstances so all the right had to do was get him in a deposition knowing full well he'd lie and sure enough they trapped him. Problem is, it was over a blow job. Big deal. Being married to the wynch he's married to, who could blame him?
Mueller's supposed to investigate the nebulous 'russian collusion' to hack the election, whatever that means, nobody's explained. There's nothing there, so he expands the investigation to obstruction of justice. Fuck, I could be investigated for that.
Why is it called an investigation? In the partisan politics of today's landscape, the outcome is a goal that has already been set in advance, so why is this called an investigation? What makes Mueller any different than the lefties here who are about to state how guilty they already "know" Trump is? Lefties here don't need any investigation to assert guilt any more than Mueller does, so why is this called an investigation?

So republicans (Mueller and Comey) are "left wing " because they are interested in justice?
Fuck you.