Mueller is looking clearly at Trump family and associates


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As Politico reports late tonight, "A deep anxiety has started to set in that Muller is about to pounce, and that any number of Trump's allies and family members may soon be staring down the barrel of an indictment."

The Orange Man's associates and family members are squarely in the sights of Mueller. Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka and Jared: all are possible targets of indictments soon to be released.
Jr. was stupid when he took a meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary. He was breaking the law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. You still get charged. Jared hs been conducting family business using his position as leverage to try and save the stupid deal he made in NYC that could have banikrupted his family.
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It is a shame that Donnie has got his son, son-in-law and even Ivanka in trouble.

Donnie Jr. has learned to lie like his daddy!

Jared is tangled up in the same IRS mess, colluding with Russia, and money laundering schemes that daddy Trump showed him how to get himself into.

And Ivanka can't stay away from Emolument Clause violations daddy's got her involved in!
Trump will issue pardons by the gross. He knew it was coming. That is why he was pardoning so many earlier. He is cheapening them so when he pardons about 20 people, the rightys will think it is no big deal. Just normal presidential business. Sometimes he seems prescient.
As Politico reports late tonight, "A deep anxiety has started to set in that Muller is about to pounce, and that any number of Trump's allies and family members may soon be staring down the barrel of an indictment."

The Orange Man's associates and family members are squarely in the sights of Mueller. Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka and Jared: all are possible targets of indictments soon to be released.

I hope this is finally it. Finally. So we can move on. Not holding my breath