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With one sentence Mueller delivered an oxymoron. He claimed "there was no evidence enough to charge Trump with obstruction", then in the same sentence also says, "but that doesn't exonerate him." DUH!!!!! People suspected of a crime, "obstruction" but never charged formally with said crime are automatically "exonerated" until such time they are charged with said crime.
verb (used with object), ex·on·er·at·ed, ex·on·er·at·ing.
1to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame; exculpate:
He was exonerated from the accusation of cheating.
2to relieve, as from an obligation, duty, or task.
Of course we should all know that Robert Mueller is a swamp rat Trump hater wounded severely that he couldn't frame Trump of a single crime, so he turned the fishing expedition, over to the obsessed Democrat swamp rats by throwing the mad dog radical losers a bone with his oxymoron statement.
It is my fondest wish that the swamp rat Democrats use their Mueller bone for all it's worth and continue the Trump persecution all the way to the 2020 election as planned and I hope they Impeach Trump. I want to see them get 2/3 of the Congress to vote to remove him from office and I want to see how much of that horseshit the American voters tolerate.
verb (used with object), ex·on·er·at·ed, ex·on·er·at·ing.
1to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame; exculpate:
He was exonerated from the accusation of cheating.
2to relieve, as from an obligation, duty, or task.
Of course we should all know that Robert Mueller is a swamp rat Trump hater wounded severely that he couldn't frame Trump of a single crime, so he turned the fishing expedition, over to the obsessed Democrat swamp rats by throwing the mad dog radical losers a bone with his oxymoron statement.
It is my fondest wish that the swamp rat Democrats use their Mueller bone for all it's worth and continue the Trump persecution all the way to the 2020 election as planned and I hope they Impeach Trump. I want to see them get 2/3 of the Congress to vote to remove him from office and I want to see how much of that horseshit the American voters tolerate.