Mueller’s team has evidence of a key Steele dossier claim about Michael Cohen


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Special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly has evidence corroborating a key claim from an infamous dossier authored by ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele about the president’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen.

McClatchy reported Friday that federal investigators have information about Cohen taking a trip in the summer of 2016 to Prague — an allegation about Trump’s attorney included in Steele’s controversial dossier.
Cohen, with typical right wing bravado showed his passport without Prague on it. He said that proved he did not go there and the Steels Dossier was proven a fabrication. Now it was shown he came in through Germany and did not need his passport to be stamped. So Cohen lied and the dossier must be totally true. I am sure Fox will apologize tomorrow.
Special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly has evidence corroborating a key claim from an infamous dossier authored by ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele about the president’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen.

McClatchy reported Friday that federal investigators have information about Cohen taking a trip in the summer of 2016 to Prague — an allegation about Trump’s attorney included in Steele’s controversial dossier.

Wait, I thought the Mueller team didn't leak.
lol....."you people are going to be so disappointed"........what are lib'ruls going to do when the FBI announces they found nothing incriminating in Cohen's office.......
Cohen, with typical right wing bravado showed his passport without Prague on it. He said that proved he did not go there and the Steels Dossier was proven a fabrication. Now it was shown he came in through Germany and did not need his passport to be stamped. So Cohen lied and the dossier must be totally true. I am sure Fox will apologize tomorrow.

Big leaps of logic there. But OK

I get it. You want very much for this to all be true.

Everyday is a “this is it moment”

I keep hearing that Mueller never leaks yet leaks are always coming out. Odd dontcha think?

You probably don’t do you?
Who know where the information came from, dont assume anything. The point here is, that this info confirms the validity of the dossier.

It has already been established that the information in the dossier was utterly unverified at the time it was used to obtain a FISA warrant. Again, you don't use unverified information to obtain a warrant, then verify it later. Furthermore, one accurate point doesn't make the document suddenly valid. Much of the dossier has been debunked.
It has already been established that the information in the dossier was utterly unverified at the time it was used to obtain a FISA warrant. Again, you don't use unverified information to obtain a warrant, then verify it later. Furthermore, one accurate point doesn't make the document suddenly valid. Much of the dossier has been debunked.
link, please
It has already been established that the information in the dossier was utterly unverified at the time it was used to obtain a FISA warrant. Again, you don't use unverified information to obtain a warrant, then verify it later. Furthermore, one accurate point doesn't make the document suddenly valid. Much of the dossier has been debunked.

Absolutely nothing in this dossier has been debunked.
Furthermore, obtaining a FISA warrant is no easy matter, your excuse is just that, feeble.