Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
First, we all know Republicans don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. Democrats claim they care, but it often seems they want to take over and dictate their solutions to everyone. Most, if not all, of Democratic "solutions" are treating the symptoms, not curing the problem.
Consider murder-suicide. There' already a thread showing how Democrats don't give a fuck about better mental health care in favor of banning guns, and I expect the problem is the same here. They focus on the guns, a symptom, and not the underlying problems driving people to suicide or, in this case, murder-suicide.
The recent Fedex mass murder was a murder-suicide. In fact, the shooter, Brandon Scott Hole, 19, had been interviewed by the FBI months earlier after his mother expressed concern about her son's desire for "suicide-by-cop". As it turned out, he died by his own hand.....after shooting 12 people and killing 8 of them.
Why wasn't Brandon given mental healthcare? IMO, it's because Democrats don't give a shit about Brandon's mental health issues. Democrats focus upon banning guns. Red Flags laws. Background checks. Banning guns and so forth, not mental health care or the legislation needed to help people like Brandon before he hurts himself or others.
Most murder-suicides are domestic in nature as the data below points out. The Fedex murder-suicide is rarer but the mental health solutions remain the same.
The Tragedy of Murder-Suicides
...A murder-suicide is an incident where a homicide is followed by the perpetrator's suicide, typically immediately or within 24 hours after the homicide. Although unusual, they are not rare; on average, 11 murder-suicides occur each week, resulting in between 1,000 and 1,500 deaths and accounting for 5% of all U.S. homicides in the United States.
The majority of perpetrators are male (89%), most of the victims are a current or former girlfriend/wife (69%) and, in 1 of our every 4 cases, there are multiple victims (11.4% are children under age 18). Murder-suicides can also include coworkers, friends, neighbors, or a rival love interest. The murder-suicide can be carefully planned or the result of a heated argument; no matter what, the victim is rarely a knowing or willing participant.
The study analyzes news reports of murder-suicides for the six-month period January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014. To the VPC’s knowledge, it is the largest and most comprehensive analysis available on murder-suicide in the United States.
The study found there were 282 murder-suicide events during this six-month period, or nearly 11 murder-suicides per week. These incidents resulted in 617 deaths, of which 285 were suicides and 332 were homicides. Doubling the total number of fatalities results in a yearly estimate of 1,234 murder-suicide deaths for 2014.
“Suicide is commonly misperceived as a single, desperate act. Yet murder-suicides claim the lives of spouses, intimate partners, and children — and almost always involve a gun. The findings in our study make it clear that murder-suicide is a domestic violence issue,” states VPC Legislative Director Kristen Rand.
The findings in American Roulette include:
• Of the 282 murder-suicides in the first half of 2014, 261 (93 percent) were known to involve a firearm.
• Seventy-two percent of the murder-suicides involved an intimate partner. Of these, 93 percent were females killed by their intimate partners. Among the incidents where females were killed by intimate partners, 94 percent involved a gun.
• Eighty-one percent of the murder-suicides occurred in the home.
• Most of the killers in murder-suicides were men. Of the 285 suicides, 254 (89 percent) were male, 30 (11 percent) were female, and one was of unidentified gender.
• Most of the murder-suicide victims were women. Of the 332 homicide victims, 252 (76 percent) were female, 79 (24 percent) were male, and one was of unidentified gender.
• Forty-five of the homicide victims were children and teens less than 18 years of age.
• Of the murder-suicides involving a male murderer and three or more victims, 46 percent were perpetrated by family annihilators — murderers who kill their intimate partners and their children before killing themselves.
To help reduce the tragic toll of murder-suicides in the United States, the study’s recommendations include:
• Stronger domestic violence prevention legislation and the establishment of state domestic violence task forces.
• Restricting access to firearms where there is an increased risk of a murder-suicide; for example, where an individual has a history of domestic violence and/or has threatened suicide.
• Aggressive enforcement of laws that prohibit individuals with a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction or who are the subject of a restraining order for domestic violence from purchasing or possessing a firearm.
• Establishing a comprehensive, nationwide database to track murder-suicides.
No comprehensive national database or tracking system exists on murder-suicides in the United States. As a result, the VPC study necessarily relies on news reports for its analysis. The study’s estimate for the total number of murder-suicides per year is consistent with the standard range of estimates in medical studies.
Consider murder-suicide. There' already a thread showing how Democrats don't give a fuck about better mental health care in favor of banning guns, and I expect the problem is the same here. They focus on the guns, a symptom, and not the underlying problems driving people to suicide or, in this case, murder-suicide.
The recent Fedex mass murder was a murder-suicide. In fact, the shooter, Brandon Scott Hole, 19, had been interviewed by the FBI months earlier after his mother expressed concern about her son's desire for "suicide-by-cop". As it turned out, he died by his own hand.....after shooting 12 people and killing 8 of them.
Why wasn't Brandon given mental healthcare? IMO, it's because Democrats don't give a shit about Brandon's mental health issues. Democrats focus upon banning guns. Red Flags laws. Background checks. Banning guns and so forth, not mental health care or the legislation needed to help people like Brandon before he hurts himself or others.
Most murder-suicides are domestic in nature as the data below points out. The Fedex murder-suicide is rarer but the mental health solutions remain the same.
The Tragedy of Murder-Suicides
...A murder-suicide is an incident where a homicide is followed by the perpetrator's suicide, typically immediately or within 24 hours after the homicide. Although unusual, they are not rare; on average, 11 murder-suicides occur each week, resulting in between 1,000 and 1,500 deaths and accounting for 5% of all U.S. homicides in the United States.
The majority of perpetrators are male (89%), most of the victims are a current or former girlfriend/wife (69%) and, in 1 of our every 4 cases, there are multiple victims (11.4% are children under age 18). Murder-suicides can also include coworkers, friends, neighbors, or a rival love interest. The murder-suicide can be carefully planned or the result of a heated argument; no matter what, the victim is rarely a knowing or willing participant.
The study analyzes news reports of murder-suicides for the six-month period January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014. To the VPC’s knowledge, it is the largest and most comprehensive analysis available on murder-suicide in the United States.
The study found there were 282 murder-suicide events during this six-month period, or nearly 11 murder-suicides per week. These incidents resulted in 617 deaths, of which 285 were suicides and 332 were homicides. Doubling the total number of fatalities results in a yearly estimate of 1,234 murder-suicide deaths for 2014.
“Suicide is commonly misperceived as a single, desperate act. Yet murder-suicides claim the lives of spouses, intimate partners, and children — and almost always involve a gun. The findings in our study make it clear that murder-suicide is a domestic violence issue,” states VPC Legislative Director Kristen Rand.
The findings in American Roulette include:
• Of the 282 murder-suicides in the first half of 2014, 261 (93 percent) were known to involve a firearm.
• Seventy-two percent of the murder-suicides involved an intimate partner. Of these, 93 percent were females killed by their intimate partners. Among the incidents where females were killed by intimate partners, 94 percent involved a gun.
• Eighty-one percent of the murder-suicides occurred in the home.
• Most of the killers in murder-suicides were men. Of the 285 suicides, 254 (89 percent) were male, 30 (11 percent) were female, and one was of unidentified gender.
• Most of the murder-suicide victims were women. Of the 332 homicide victims, 252 (76 percent) were female, 79 (24 percent) were male, and one was of unidentified gender.
• Forty-five of the homicide victims were children and teens less than 18 years of age.
• Of the murder-suicides involving a male murderer and three or more victims, 46 percent were perpetrated by family annihilators — murderers who kill their intimate partners and their children before killing themselves.
To help reduce the tragic toll of murder-suicides in the United States, the study’s recommendations include:
• Stronger domestic violence prevention legislation and the establishment of state domestic violence task forces.
• Restricting access to firearms where there is an increased risk of a murder-suicide; for example, where an individual has a history of domestic violence and/or has threatened suicide.
• Aggressive enforcement of laws that prohibit individuals with a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction or who are the subject of a restraining order for domestic violence from purchasing or possessing a firearm.
• Establishing a comprehensive, nationwide database to track murder-suicides.
No comprehensive national database or tracking system exists on murder-suicides in the United States. As a result, the VPC study necessarily relies on news reports for its analysis. The study’s estimate for the total number of murder-suicides per year is consistent with the standard range of estimates in medical studies.