Murderous white mop cop, eyes body cam for a Oscar winning fake plea performance


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That white cop bitch that took what she thought was a tazor gun and shot that poor kid dead over a gotdamn AIR FRESHNER HANGING IN A full of fuckin shit...that whore knew she fucked up, knew she killed this poor kid and then decided to play the role of a life time....COP VICTIM....this season white pile of shit cop, eyed that body cam on a cop and put on a performance....." I wish I was dead, I want to kill myself, blah, blah, blah...." Girl pulled this kid over tyring to show off, shot him dead and do what all w/ppl do when they kill us...PLAY THE FUCKIN VICTIM....AND WE ALL KNOW THIS BITCH IS GONNA GO FREE
That white cop bitch that took what she thought was a tazor gun and shot that poor kid dead over a gotdamn AIR FRESHNER HANGING IN A full of fuckin shit...that whore knew she fucked up, knew she killed this poor kid and then decided to play the role of a life time....COP VICTIM....this season white pile of shit cop, eyed that body cam on a cop and put on a performance....." I wish I was dead, I want to kill myself, blah, blah, blah...." Girl pulled this kid over tyring to show off, shot him dead and do what all w/ppl do when they kill us...PLAY THE FUCKIN VICTIM....AND WE ALL KNOW THIS BITCH IS GONNA GO FREE

Sing those blues, Tigerred59! LOL

Naw, she's gonna walk....her fellow cop buddies are all talking about how distressed she was, etc....seen this movie too many times.

She was sentenced to two years for a tragic accident. She's obviously not cop material and got too flustered in a high stress situation and should be fired but times being what they are she will be imprisoned which is in itself a tragedy.
That white cop bitch that took what she thought was a tazor gun and shot that poor kid dead over a gotdamn AIR FRESHNER HANGING IN A full of fuckin shit...that whore knew she fucked up, knew she killed this poor kid and then decided to play the role of a life time....COP VICTIM....this season white pile of shit cop, eyed that body cam on a cop and put on a performance....." I wish I was dead, I want to kill myself, blah, blah, blah...." Girl pulled this kid over tyring to show off, shot him dead and do what all w/ppl do when they kill us...PLAY THE FUCKIN VICTIM....AND WE ALL KNOW THIS BITCH IS GONNA GO FREE

pussy pass.