murtha gets ass handed to him

Good enough. Time to move on.

Sean Hannity would have had a field day with those Murtha Abasam allegations.
Abscam is going to eat lots of butt on both sides of the aisles. It is just getitng started, unless a bipartisan (aka all guilty parties) effort of congress stops it.
Good enough. Time to move on.

Sean Hannity would have had a field day with those Murtha Abasam allegations.

Yeah, I was really torn on this one. Hoyer is too much of a war-supporter for me. And Murtha is probably the best credentialed person we have to advocate our withdrawal. But...I've read up on the controversy surrounding him, and though I see no evidence of him doing anything illegal, exactly, he's skating on thin ice ethically as far as I am concerned. So politically, it's really stupid for the dems to have him as majority leader. Exit polls shocked all of the idiots in DC, including those moron pundits, by showing a very high percentage of people answering "corruption" as a top concern.

But the war is my biggest issue right now, and we are talking about lives. So I came to the conclusion that having him in that position would be bad for the Democratic party, but good for America. I think it would have saved lives.

I don't know, I don't see any big advocates for getting us the hell out of there right now. I don't want to see any of this BS from the dems that got us into this war in the first place. Ok, maybe didn't get us into it, because Bush was going, and a majority of elected dems did vote against it. But...too many cowardly dems gave him cover.
Yeah, I was really torn on this one. Hoyer is too much of a war-supporter for me. And Murtha is probably the best credentialed person we have to advocate our withdrawal. But...I've read up on the controversy surrounding him, and though I see no evidence of him doing anything illegal, exactly, he's skating on thin ice ethically as far as I am concerned. So politically, it's really stupid for the dems to have him as majority leader. Exit polls shocked all of the idiots in DC, including those moron pundits, by showing a very high percentage of people answering "corruption" as a top concern.

But the war is my biggest issue right now, and we are talking about lives. So I came to the conclusion that having him in that position would be bad for the Democratic party, but good for America. I think it would have saved lives.

I don't know, I don't see any big advocates for getting us the hell out of there right now. I don't want to see any of this BS from the dems that got us into this war in the first place. Ok, maybe didn't get us into it, because Bush was going, and a majority of elected dems did vote against it. But...too many cowardly dems gave him cover.

I kinda was into murth as majority leader, but frankly its all just DC parlor games.

I think Murtha was just a stalking horse, to put a shot across Hoyer's bow to stop being a suck-up to republican policies. Murtha can still be a strong anti-war advocate. He'll still be getting on Meet the Press with Russert.
I kinda was into murth as majority leader, but frankly its all just DC parlor games.

I think Murtha was just a stalking horse, to put a shot across Hoyer's bow to stop being a suck-up to republican policies. Murtha can still be a strong anti-war advocate. He'll still be getting on Meet the Press with Russert.

That's true. Good point.

It was Pelosi who got her ass handed to her...The Democratic party is now on a push to regain their original conservative roots...the shot to the bow was at Pelosi...she is way to liberal for the renewed Demos...!
It was Pelosi who got her ass handed to her...The Democratic party is now on a push to regain their original conservative roots...the shot to the bow was at Pelosi...she is way to liberal for the renewed Demos...!

Your fellow Bush cheerleaders have spent the last several years claiming that the Democratic Party was purging moderates, and careening wildly to the extreme left.

Which is it? Can you stick with one story?
The newly elected dems are more conservate, the old leadership is very liberal. Cat fight comming?
It was Pelosi who got her ass handed to her...The Democratic party is now on a push to regain their original conservative roots...the shot to the bow was at Pelosi...she is way to liberal for the renewed Demos...!
The Progressive Caucus is the largest single caucus within the Democratic Party as a whole . . . and every single one of 'em is more "liberal" than Pelosi. My own rep., Barbara Lee, makes Pelosi look like Ann Coulter. Well, not quite, but Laura Bush maybe.
The Progressive Caucus is the largest single caucus within the Democratic Party as a whole . . . and every single one of 'em is more "liberal" than Pelosi. My own rep., Barbara Lee, makes Pelosi look like Ann Coulter. Well, not quite, but Laura Bush maybe.

Dems finally found a winning formula. And its one that I've said they've needed for a long time ;)

They ran a lot of candidates who were socially moderate, but were also economic populists.

Jon Tester, Jim Webb, and Bob Casey are all pretty conservative socially, but won on platforms of economic populism.
Whos Barbara Lee?

The Progressive Caucus is the largest single caucus within the Democratic Party as a whole . . . and every single one of 'em is more "liberal" than Pelosi. My own rep., Barbara Lee, makes Pelosi look like Ann Coulter. Well, not quite, but Laura Bush maybe.

Never heard of her...all you hear from California is Pelosi and Boxer...the big mouths! Puts a damper on your single largest caucus eh'