Music Notes


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Maybe I am queer, but I like Vampire Weekend. Saw them at Coachella. They played well and their album is solid.

Did I tell you guys how awesome Prince was? Okay, I am gay. But that fucking little fucker can shred. His stage show was so sweet!

The Raconteurs kicked ass too.

Roger Waters was great until I puked up three days of beer and sun.

Not at Coachella this year, but The Roots new album Rising Down is pretty fucking good. It's hard for me to like a hip hop/rap album but this one is pretty sweet.

And I like Weezer's new one too. Probably because I can really relate to "I am the Greatest Man that Ever Lived." :)
vampire weekend, pitchfork gave their first album an 8.8 which is AWESOME. Everyone should listen to what pitchfork tells them to.

Is that sarcasm?

I don't know who pitchfork is.

I heard a lot of bad vibes cause they had hype and apparent early success. The hipsters at coachella and elsewhere don't like hype and early success, unless they were on to them early.

But, I saw them and they were tight live. I bought their album off of that, and it is pretty fucking good, in my humble opinion. I don't particularly give a fuck if I discovered them. I have seen other bands that had that early success and sucked live and I could never get into their albums.
its not sarcasm. I like what I've heard by vampire weekend, but I haven't listened to them extensively. I was mainly trying to provoke watermark or something though.
Ok, this song by Weezer kick ass...

Put me in a special school cuz I am such a fool
And I don't need a single book to teach me how to read
Who needs stupid books? They are for petty crooks
And I will learn by studying the lessons in my dreams
So turn off the TV cuz that's what others see
And movies are as bad as eating chocolate ice-cream
They only sicken me, don't let me play football
I'll sack the quarterback and jack the brother of the ball

I'm a troublemaker, never been a faker
Doin' things my own way and never giving up
I'm a troublemaker, not a double-taker
I don't have the patience to keep it on the up

I picked up a guitar. What does this signify?
I'm gonna play some heavy metal riffs and you will die.
You wanted arts and crafts. How's this for arts and crafts?
Wuh- nuh- nuh- nuh- nuh- nuh- nuh- nuh- nuh- that's right!
I'm growing out my hair. I'm moving out to Cherokee.
I'm gonna be a rock star and you are gonna bear with me
Cuz I can't work a job like any other slob
Punchin' in and punchin' out and suckin' up to Bob

Marryin' a beeyotch, havin' seven keeyods
Givin' up and growin' old and hopin' there's a God.

I'm a troublemaker, never been a faker
Doin' things my own way and never giving up
I'm a troublemaker, not a double-taker
I don't have the patience to keep it on the up

I'm gonna be a star and people will crane necks
To get a glimpse of me and see if I am having sex
And studying my moves, they try to understand
Why I am so unlike the singers in the other bands.
I'm such a mystery as anyone can see
There isn't anybody else exactly quite like me
And when it's party time, like 1999
I'll party by myself because I'm such a special guy.

I'm a troublemaker, never been a faker
Doin' things my own way and never giving up
I'm a troublemaker, not a double-taker
I don't have the patience to keep it on the up
Alright, Water, what do you have against Vampire Weekend? :)

Grind that's how I was, I liked what I heard from them. It's all pretty mellow, but I think it is pretty good. And as I said they were good live. Young bands I always expect to fuck it up live, but they were pretty tight.