Muslim men abuse non-Muslim girls because they are "immodest" & "not Muslim"


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Muslim men abuse non-Muslim girls because they are "immodest" & "not Muslim"


"Like terrorists, they firmly believe that the crimes they carry out are justified by their religious beliefs".

"Like terrorists, they firmly believe that the crimes they carry out are justified by their religious beliefs".

What is the excuse for trafficking girls in the US?
The failure of certain parts of the Asian community to integrate into British society has led to gangs of Muslim men​ targeting white women with drink and drugs before raping and sexually abusing them, an anti-extremism think tank claims.

The report by Quilliam calls for greater support to help integrate British Pakistani people into modern British society.

It says that the gangs of mainly British-Pakistani men "have been influenced by the cultural conditions of their home country and a wider failure to integrate into their adoptive culture".

Researchers, who analyzed 264 convictions of grooming gang members since 2005, had initially expected to find Asians had been unfairly singled out.

However, they discovered that 222 of those convicted, or 84 per cent, were men of Asian origin. Only 22 were black and 18 were white with two offenders not having an identified ethnicity. The findings are in stark contrast to the fact Asians make up only seven per cent of the UK population, the report said.

Muna Adil, one of two authors, said: “We began thinking we would debunk the media narrative that Asians are over-represented in this specific crime. But, when the final numbers came in we were alarmed and dismayed. For both of us being of Pakistani heritage, this issue is deeply personal and deeply disturbing.”

The report, called ‘Group Based Child Sexual Exploitation: Dissecting Grooming Gangs’, notes how many of the gangs had operated.

“When David Cameron spoke of the failings of multiculturalism in 2011 he was attacked from all sides,” Ms Adil continued. “What these critics failed to see was the numerous self-segregated northern towns, the plethora of organizations that preached problematic attitudes towards women and other faiths, and the hundreds of young men and women being radicalized right here on British soil.”

They found that while girls from the Asian community were seen as “protected” because chastity was linked to “family honor”, young white women were deemed “easy targets” and “open to sexual relationships with a little persuasion”.

They also identified how the men in the gangs had shared a common view of their sexual abuse, having collectively justified their behavior.

Ms Adil added: “There are elements from within the British Pakistani community that still subscribe to outdated and sexist views of women embedded within Islam. These backward views are passed down from generation to generation until the lines between faith and culture dissolve, making it increasingly difficult to criticize one without being seen as a critic of the other.”

The report also urges politicians and the police to dismiss political correctness and fears of being branded racist to ensure they can tackle the problem of grooming gangs head on. It says: “The notion that certain cultures are out of bounds when it comes to criticism is not just misguided and misinformed, but often allows the most vulnerable individuals from society to continue to be victimised and abused.”

Since 2011, hundreds of Muslim men have been prosecuted for organized sex crimes against thousands of girls. In only two of those cases were the men not of South Asian heritage. Of all the victims, only three were not white under-aged girls.
The faux "Saudi princess" seems to be trying to justify rape, doesn't she?

The fact is that Muslim men think it's OK to rape non-Muslim little girls.

Then why is your man Trump accepting the Prince's word with no proof or evidence offered?
Who says there's an excuse, "Saudi princess?"

American women are murdered by husbands and boyfriends every day.. and women are subject to domestic abuse and rape every day. Under aged girls are trafficked in every major city in America..

Have you even read the damned Koran?
American women are murdered by husbands and boyfriends every day.. and women are subject to domestic abuse and rape every day. Under aged girls are trafficked in every major city in America..

Do their killers/abusers claim their religion allows it, faux "Saudi princess"?

Have you even read the damned Koran?

Have the Muslims who claim their religion allows the rape of non-Muslim little girls read it, faux "Saudi princess"?
Lucy Lowe’s daughter is 18 now.

Lucy was murdered when her toddler was just two.

Lowe was 16 at the time and in the throes of being a human trafficking victim who turned her first trick at 12.

The killer was a Muslim sex gang animal named Azhar Ali Mehmood.

Sex gangs — largely made up of Pakistani men — have been preying on underage girls for decades.

But the twisted sickos behind the sex rings were given the benefit of doubt by police forces, social workers and local authorities who turned a blind eye because of political correctness.

Now, Lowe’s daughter, Tasnim, is determined to be heard as calls for an inquiry become louder.

“I would like to see that my dad shows remorse and that we can set up an investigation into why he was never charged with sex crimes,” she told the BBC.

Lucy was pregnant a second time by Mehmood, according to the BBC, whe the taxi driver murdered her in 2000. Though never prosecuted for sex crimes, Mehmood was sentenced to life in prison for setting a house fire that killed Lucy, her sister and mother.
The faux "Saudi princess" seems to be trying to justify rape, doesn't she?

The fact is that Muslim men think it's OK to rape non-Muslim little girls.

And here I thought Kavanaugh was a Catholic!

You mean, he is a Muslim- or just acted like one when he was a little high school shit!?
"Women must be believed" - unless their abusers are Muslim, it seems

Taiyab Hussain, Shaheem Ratyal and Sohail Ali, all aged 19, and 18-year-old Mohammed Rizwan, were arrested when a teenager realized she had been groomed after watching an educational video.

The defendants pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child and other sexual offenses.

Passing sentence Judge Jonathan Gosling made all four men the subject of a sexual harm prevention order banning them from using the Snapchat messaging app for eight years.

The judge said: “At the time of the offenses they were 17 or 18 and known to each other to different degrees through association, school and social media. It is clear from the evidence retrieved from various devices that there was communication between the defendants and it does establish their common interest in meeting and sexually abusing these girls. These were young men treating the young girls like trophies, and to some extent, one was spurring on another.”

The judge said the four victims, one of whom who had only just turned 13, meant nothing to the men and had been subjected to “extreme” offenses.

Hussain was given a five-year sentence after sending highly sexualized text messages before abusing a teenager in his car in the presence of another child.

Rizwan and Ratyal, were both given sentences of four years and four months. Police said the charges were brought after five girls were sexually abused.
No #METOO for Muslim victims?

Muslim gangs who preyed on 700 women and girls acted with “arrogant persistence” after police were seen to be punishing victims for their situation, a case review has found. The report said perpetrators were not consistently investigated or interviewed.

“Practitioners did feel that early responses had the appearance of blaming the victims for their behavior and allocating them responsibility for making bad choices”, the report concluded.