Muslim Perspective on the Election

Anti-muslim is just another way to be anti-semitic. Now it's just that "other" semitic group that gets the bad rap because a few of them do bad things.
Anti-muslim is just another way to be anti-semitic. Now it's just that "other" semitic group that gets the bad rap because a few of them do bad things.

I hadn't thought of it but you're right. It is anti-semetic.
Even though "semitic" can mean middle-eastern people as a whole, "anti-semitism" in speech exclusively refers to anti-Judaism, however incorrect that may seem.
OMG. Did you take a stupid pill today?

Right back at ya.

The meaning of "Anti-Semitic" is hatred of Jews. Not hatred of the Semitic peoples. This is grade school shit.

I will give you that if you take the prefix and the word and try to literally re-construct the meaning from that, ignoring its use in actual language, you would get "against the Semitic people". But the dictionary definition, the one meaning that is solely used in everyday speech, is "against the Jewish people", and you will simply confuse people by trying to change that meaning to the literal meaning.
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Right back at ya.

The meaning of "Anti-Semitic" is hatred of Jews. Not hatred of the Semitic peoples. This is grade school shit.

I will give you that if you take the prefix and the word and try to literally re-construct the meaning from that, ignoring its use in actual language, you would get "against the Semitic people". But the dictionary definition, the one meaning that is solely used in everyday speech, is "against the Jewish people", and you will simply confuse people by trying to change that meaning to the literal meaning.
Which is why I said it was "another way" to be an anti-Semite. See, what I was saying is that these people are indeed Semites, and therefore the word would fit them too.

You are arguing that it would be impossible to get the word to fit them because some guy in 1880 coined the phrase and it was set in the same stone tablets as the 10 Commandments which somehow landed on your front lawn after it was taken off the court steps...

Your argument is the argument of a conservative rejecting gay marriage, in other words...
But of course, we all know anti-semitic means anti-jew, not anti arabs and jews. Just like we all know african american means black, not "from africa". Because where a person is from IS Where they are born.