My afternoon w/ Rush & Sean


New member
Wow. I used to commute more & would listen to both guys from time to time, but this was the 1st time in years that I had a chance to listen to fairly large portions of each show. What a couple of complete, utter hacks.

Both went to great lengths to lament how much Democrats have politicized 9/11 & the Iraq War, before proceeding to politicize both with as much vitriol & false outrage as they could muster. Here's what I learned:

1) Democrats are basically working with the terrorists, and think our troops are Nazis
2) Invading Iraq was our only real option after 9/11, and the only way to fight back at the people who attacked us
3) A policy which intelligence reports have shown has strengthened Al Qaida, and which has basically restored Al Qaida to the position they were at in 2001, is the only rational way to fight terror, and must be pursued with more vigor
4) Republicans are not allowed to oppose Bush's misguided policy; any independent thought will be viewed at traitorous & will result in your ostracization from the party (see: Chuck Hagel)
5) There are more lunatics who agree with these guys than I could have imagined, judging by the # of calls that started with "you're a great American" and "thank you for standing up for the truth amidst this sea of lies"

The most striking thing is how both men talked about Democrats basically trying to get us to "lose" the war, and how we have to ignore them so we can press onto some sort of ill-defined "victory." They really think this is WWII....
Wow. I used to commute more & would listen to both guys from time to time, but this was the 1st time in years that I had a chance to listen to fairly large portions of each show. What a couple of complete, utter hacks.

Both went to great lengths to lament how much Democrats have politicized 9/11 & the Iraq War, before proceeding to politicize both with as much vitriol & false outrage as they could muster. Here's what I learned:

1) Democrats are basically working with the terrorists, and think our troops are Nazis
2) Invading Iraq was our only real option after 9/11, and the only way to fight back at the people who attacked us
3) A policy which intelligence reports have shown has strengthened Al Qaida, and which has basically restored Al Qaida to the position they were at in 2001, is the only rational way to fight terror, and must be pursued with more vigor
4) Republicans are not allowed to oppose Bush's misguided policy; any independent thought will be viewed at traitorous & will result in your ostracization from the party (see: Chuck Hagel)
5) There are more lunatics who agree with these guys than I could have imagined, judging by the # of calls that started with "you're a great American" and "thank you for standing up for the truth amidst this sea of lies"

The most striking thing is how both men talked about Democrats basically trying to get us to "lose" the war, and how we have to ignore them so we can press onto some sort of ill-defined "victory." They really think this is WWII....

No they don't Onceler. They are FOS. If they really thought this was WWII they would be agitating for a draft. Because if this was WWII you'd need one, it would be criminal not to have one, wouldn't it?
No they don't Onceler. They are FOS. If they really thought this was WWII they would be agitating for a draft. Because if this was WWII you'd need one, it would be criminal not to have one, wouldn't it?

It was disgusting listening to them. I realized that they have no regard for the men & women who fight for their "cause" - it's all political with them. Which was funny, because it's exactly what they accuse Dems of. Particularly Rush; I think he has no soul or heart whatsoever. I don't think he cares about anyone or anything, as long as his side wins.
Wow. I used to commute more & would listen to both guys from time to time, but this was the 1st time in years that I had a chance to listen to fairly large portions of each show. What a couple of complete, utter hacks.

Both went to great lengths to lament how much Democrats have politicized 9/11 & the Iraq War, before proceeding to politicize both with as much vitriol & false outrage as they could muster. Here's what I learned:

1) Democrats are basically working with the terrorists, and think our troops are Nazis
2) Invading Iraq was our only real option after 9/11, and the only way to fight back at the people who attacked us
3) A policy which intelligence reports have shown has strengthened Al Qaida, and which has basically restored Al Qaida to the position they were at in 2001, is the only rational way to fight terror, and must be pursued with more vigor
4) Republicans are not allowed to oppose Bush's misguided policy; any independent thought will be viewed at traitorous & will result in your ostracization from the party (see: Chuck Hagel)
5) There are more lunatics who agree with these guys than I could have imagined, judging by the # of calls that started with "you're a great American" and "thank you for standing up for the truth amidst this sea of lies"

The most striking thing is how both men talked about Democrats basically trying to get us to "lose" the war, and how we have to ignore them so we can press onto some sort of ill-defined "victory." They really think this is WWII....

Total tools.
I have trouble accepting that at least 30% of our pollable population are like them.....

But the facts are there.....

And people get on my half empty glass case....
It was disgusting listening to them. I realized that they have no regard for the men & women who fight for their "cause" - it's all political with them. Which was funny, because it's exactly what they accuse Dems of. Particularly Rush; I think he has no soul or heart whatsoever. I don't think he cares about anyone or anything, as long as his side wins.

It's not surprising. In my experience the people who are just the worse human beings, are the ones who are always making really nasty accusations about others. And I think it's because a thief always thinks everyone else wants to rob him. They think everyone is like them, because it's foreign to them that anyone could be any different. It's projection.
It was disgusting listening to them. I realized that they have no regard for the men & women who fight for their "cause" - it's all political with them. Which was funny, because it's exactly what they accuse Dems of. Particularly Rush; I think he has no soul or heart whatsoever. I don't think he cares about anyone or anything, as long as his side wins.
I don't think he even cares about that. I think he cares about 2M listeners at any one moment of his three hour show.
The TRUTH is not important to Rush. What is important is ratings and saying things with his twist. He LOVES to condemn the drive by media but he is everybit as guilty as spinning as anyone. That being said, that is why people listen to him. Damo is right, is ONLY obligation is to the 2 million people that listen to him and the sponsors that want to sell to the 2 million people that listen to him. The other thing is, even with his spin on things he is not always wrong. You may not like his view of things but he is not always wrong.
"You may not like his view of things but he is not always wrong."

He's like Dano. I can agree with ideas like less government & lower taxes, because I think our gov't is too big & we're overtaxed. However, as soon as you lie or distort or try to play to emotions to further those ideas, you lose me. It's not that I'll abandon the ideas, because I'll still believe in them on their own, but you as a spokesman have lost all credibility when you choose that path...
I listened today also. I was shocked by how often they kept saying, "Today is not a day for politics, just prior to saying that the Democrats think the troops are natzi's and are working with OBL.

And Rush confused Osamma with Obamma about 10 times.
I listened today also. I was shocked by how often they kept saying, "Today is not a day for politics, just prior to saying that the Democrats think the troops are natzi's and are working with OBL.

And Rush confused Osamma with Obamma about 10 times.
He didn't confuse them, he makes fun of Kennedy who confused them in a speech once.
It was disgusting listening to them. I realized that they have no regard for the men & women who fight for their "cause" - it's all political with them. Which was funny, because it's exactly what they accuse Dems of. Particularly Rush; I think he has no soul or heart whatsoever. I don't think he cares about anyone or anything, as long as his side wins.

I just got finished getting lectured that it was only a few cons that make the Con movement look like knuckle dragging neaderthals. Yet, these guys boast, what, 20 million listeners between them? And the vast majority are war mongering, paranoid, chickenhawks.

And yes, some of Randi Rhodes callers make my ears bleed too. But, as we are also lectured, left wing talk radio that caters to extremists is extremely small and no where near as numerous as rightwing neanderthal radio.