My Bar is Getting Sued

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect

Victim's mother sues Lacey bar
By Jeremy Pawloski * The Olympian • Published January 23, 2009

The mother of Jeremy Cole is suing the owners of the Lacey bar Pints & Quarts, alleging that Kaylin Burgett was able to purchase and consume alcohol there despite being intoxicated in the hours before a September 2006 car crash that killed Cole. Burgett, 23, also is named in the suit. She was sentenced in December to 18 months in prison for vehicular homicide for her role in the crash.

Victim's mother sues Lacey bar
By Jeremy Pawloski * The Olympian • Published January 23, 2009

The mother of Jeremy Cole is suing the owners of the Lacey bar Pints & Quarts, alleging that Kaylin Burgett was able to purchase and consume alcohol there despite being intoxicated in the hours before a September 2006 car crash that killed Cole. Burgett, 23, also is named in the suit. She was sentenced in December to 18 months in prison for vehicular homicide for her role in the crash.
Don't let anybody involved with the case see your picture and use it against the bar...

why not just charge the bar with a crime?

It has individual rights as a corporation.

Actually, no, its an LLC. There are only two P&Q's bars. One is in Olympia at the Capital Mall and the main est. is in Lacey.

And it didn't commit a crime - but in Pussy America, where we live, it can be sued because someone was polluting the gene pool and got another idiot killed off...
An LLC is not Incorporated, It stands for Limited Liability Company.

I know this because I have to fill out 1099s for people who own LLCs, but I don't have to for Corporations.

If they are incorporated they handle their own tax reporting, if they are an LLC I have to treat it as a non-incorporated partnership...
Yeah company.

I always thought company and corporation were pretty much the same thing.
I am like the rock band (forget who) I have accountants that take care of it all.

Do companies have individual rights like corporations?
Yeah company.

I always thought company and corporation were pretty much the same thing.
I am like the rock band (forget who) I have accountants that take care of it all.

Do companies have individual rights like corporations?
They have some of the protections that Corporations afford you, and some different ones. An LLC cannot pay dividends, for example. An S-Corp can, which makes it a vehicle better suited for tax avoidance. Depending on rates on dividends it could be better to pay yourself in dividends than in salary.

Victim's mother sues Lacey bar
By Jeremy Pawloski * The Olympian • Published January 23, 2009

The mother of Jeremy Cole is suing the owners of the Lacey bar Pints & Quarts, alleging that Kaylin Burgett was able to purchase and consume alcohol there despite being intoxicated in the hours before a September 2006 car crash that killed Cole. Burgett, 23, also is named in the suit. She was sentenced in December to 18 months in prison for vehicular homicide for her role in the crash.

Too bad the bar is not here in Florida we got Dramshop here!
Yeah company.

I always thought company and corporation were pretty much the same thing.
I am like the rock band (forget who) I have accountants that take care of it all.

Do companies have individual rights like corporations?

This really explains a lot about usc's warped view of the world.
Last weekend something similar happened here. Nobody knows the details and given the caliber of our local paper it's unlikely that any will ever come to light. During the late evening, a female student was driving alone in her small pickup along an open street (six lanes at that point, I believe) when for an unknown reason she crossed the center line and struck an oncoming car head-on. The driver of the other car is still in critical condition. The female student driving the pickup wasn't wearing a seatbelt, which apparently contributed to her death at the scene.

The readers of the local paper, as seems to be the custom, went on a tirade about seatbelt use (which is important, but not the real point), but not one of those who commented thought to wonder what had led to her crossing the line. My first thought was that perhaps she'd fallen asleep, but 10:30 isn't late. Similarly, it was unlikely, though not impossible, that she was drunk at that time. My next thought was, frankly, horrifying, and I suspect we the public will never know the answer: could she have been texting while driving? I see it all the time and these people are a menace. Hope fervently that this was not the case.

I expect it will be some time before any legal action, if any, might be taken.
This really explains a lot about usc's warped view of the world.

My understanding of the world in recent years has been far closer than yours, warped though mine may be.

My view on coprorations is that they should have no rights as individuals without all the corresponding responsibilities.
Too bad the bar is not here in Florida we got Dramshop here!

Is that a protocol that would make it easier to sue Pints & Quarts?

This really explains a lot about usc's warped view of the world.

Yes, it does. He doesn't just hate rich people - he hates the struggling people in the middle class that work their asses off and dare to try and make some evil greenbacks by opening a small business like an LLC.

Someone also remind him that the 18th Amendment (i.e. one of the Progressive Amendments) is no longer in effect...
One of my friends was killed in a motorcycle accident a few weeks ago, after having too much to drink at a local bar. So, I can certainly empathize. But it is irresponsible to blame the bar for his death.