My best bud...


Well-known member
Passed over rainbow bridge just a few hours ago. You wouldnt think a person could love a dog THAT much,..... but we sure did. The whole family. He was a part of it. I used to call him " Head of security around these parts" Going to leave a huge hole in our lives.

Started early this morning when I went to let him out. Just seemed a little listless and over tired. Then when he was outside he just kind of layed down on the cold ground,...he never does that when I let him out to do his job, he does it and comes back in. I got my wife up to come take a look at him and she got him inside. By the time I left for work he was doing a lot better. I surmised that maybe he became overheated laying in front of our gas fireplace,....we have one down in our family room set on a thermostat and sometimes he likes to lay in front of it.

When I came home from work it was if nothing ever happened. He was doing great. Actually really chipper. I was on the floor rubbing his belly and playing with him throwing his toys. He was happy as he could be. My wife takes him for rides a lot and then they go for walks in one of the parks. She decided to take him. He was his old self, happy as he could be as that is one of his favorite activities besides going to the lake with us in summer.

All of a sudden in the car he started acting weird again, like he was just totally out of gas. He laid down on the front passengers seat next to her and put his head over on her lap and just died right there.

Going to be super hard on my wife. He was her best bud too. One thing I am happy about though..... he died doing one of his favorite things to do in the whole world and on the person he loved the most lap. This sucks. Going to miss him something terrible. He was a rescue dog that people had abused and we adopted him. Had him for 10 years, he was 11 or 12 when he died. Bullboxer,..... and what a handsome gentleman he turned out to be after his wild and wooly youth!

Good thoughts.......
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Passed over rainbow bridge just a few hours ago. You wouldnt think a person could love a dog THAT much,..... but we sure did. The whole family. He was a part of it. I used to call him " Head of security around these parts" Going to leave a huge hole in our lives.

Started early this morning when I went to let him out. Just seemed a little listless and over tired. Then when he was outside he just kind of layed down on the cold ground,...he never does that when I let him out to do his job, he does it and comes back in. I got my wife up to come take a look at him and she got him inside. By the time I left for work he was doing a lot better. I surmised that maybe he became overheated laying in front of our gas fireplace,....we have one down in our family room set on a thermostat and sometimes he likes to lay in front of it.

When I came home from work it was if nothing ever happened. He was doing great. Actually really chipper. I was on the floor rubbing his belly and playing with him throwing his toys. He was happy as he could be. My wife takes him for rides a lot and then they go for walks in one of the parks. She decided to take him. He was his old self, happy as he could be as that is one of his favorite activities besides going to the lake with us in summer.

All of a sudden in the car he started acting weird again, like he was just totally out of gas. He laid down on the front passengers seat next to her and put his head over on her lap and just died right there.

Going to be super hard on my wife. He was her best bud too. One thing I am happy about though..... he died doing one of his favorite things to do in the whole world and on the person he loved the most lap. This sucks. Going to miss him something terrible. He was a rescue dog that people had abused and we adopted him. Had him for 10 years, he was 11 when he died. Bullboxer,..... and what a handsome gentleman he turned out to be after his wild and wooly youth!

Good thoughts.......

So sad. Just learned today my dog has thyroid problems, but she can be treated with medicine.
Passed over rainbow bridge just a few hours ago. You wouldnt think a person could love a dog THAT much,..... but we sure did.

As someone who has done pit bull rescue for a decade, I feel your pain and I sympathize with your loss. I hope you can find some peace that your beloved dog is no longer suffering
Passed over rainbow bridge just a few hours ago. You wouldnt think a person could love a dog THAT much,..... but we sure did. The whole family. He was a part of it. I used to call him " Head of security around these parts" Going to leave a huge hole in our lives.

Started early this morning when I went to let him out. Just seemed a little listless and over tired. Then when he was outside he just kind of layed down on the cold ground,...he never does that when I let him out to do his job, he does it and comes back in. I got my wife up to come take a look at him and she got him inside. By the time I left for work he was doing a lot better. I surmised that maybe he became overheated laying in front of our gas fireplace,....we have one down in our family room set on a thermostat and sometimes he likes to lay in front of it.

When I came home from work it was if nothing ever happened. He was doing great. Actually really chipper. I was on the floor rubbing his belly and playing with him throwing his toys. He was happy as he could be. My wife takes him for rides a lot and then they go for walks in one of the parks. She decided to take him. He was his old self, happy as he could be as that is one of his favorite activities besides going to the lake with us in summer.

All of a sudden in the car he started acting weird again, like he was just totally out of gas. He laid down on the front passengers seat next to her and put his head over on her lap and just died right there.

Going to be super hard on my wife. He was her best bud too. One thing I am happy about though..... he died doing one of his favorite things to do in the whole world and on the person he loved the most lap. This sucks. Going to miss him something terrible. He was a rescue dog that people had abused and we adopted him. Had him for 10 years, he was 11 when he died. Bullboxer,..... and what a handsome gentleman he turned out to be after his wild and wooly youth!

Good thoughts.......

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this. Losing a beloved pet is the worst feeling in the world.
Passed over rainbow bridge just a few hours ago. You wouldnt think a person could love a dog THAT much,..... but we sure did. The whole family. He was a part of it. I used to call him " Head of security around these parts" Going to leave a huge hole in our lives.

Started early this morning when I went to let him out. Just seemed a little listless and over tired. Then when he was outside he just kind of layed down on the cold ground,...he never does that when I let him out to do his job, he does it and comes back in. I got my wife up to come take a look at him and she got him inside. By the time I left for work he was doing a lot better. I surmised that maybe he became overheated laying in front of our gas fireplace,....we have one down in our family room set on a thermostat and sometimes he likes to lay in front of it.

When I came home from work it was if nothing ever happened. He was doing great. Actually really chipper. I was on the floor rubbing his belly and playing with him throwing his toys. He was happy as he could be. My wife takes him for rides a lot and then they go for walks in one of the parks. She decided to take him. He was his old self, happy as he could be as that is one of his favorite activities besides going to the lake with us in summer.

All of a sudden in the car he started acting weird again, like he was just totally out of gas. He laid down on the front passengers seat next to her and put his head over on her lap and just died right there.

Going to be super hard on my wife. He was her best bud too. One thing I am happy about though..... he died doing one of his favorite things to do in the whole world and on the person he loved the most lap. This sucks. Going to miss him something terrible. He was a rescue dog that people had abused and we adopted him. Had him for 10 years, he was 11 when he died. Bullboxer,..... and what a handsome gentleman he turned out to be after his wild and wooly youth!

Good thoughts.......

Yep! I always hate to lose a family member- and it hurts- hurts a lot! Please accept my sentiments!

Right now- America is having another pandemic- Distemper! Its sweeping across America!

Hopefully- we can get Americans to, at least, get their pets vaccinated!

Get your dogs and cats and other animules vaccinated today!

And don't give me none of that Conspiracy Theory Bullshit!
Thank you all for your kind words. MUCH appreciated. Going to miss that guy something terrible. He went thru so much abuse when he was young. They had him in one of those dog fighting deals down in Milwaukee. He was the bait dog that other dogs would attack. His leg had been broken, scars on his head. But what a heart of gold. Like any other living thing all he wanted was to love and be loved and he got plenty of that around here. Animals are so awesome,...especially dogs. Just unconditional love, thats what they give you. What an amazing thing..........

Again,....thank you ALL so much.
Im glad it was you guys that came in here and made encouraging comments. Those who I fight and debate with the most. Guno too, as I see he has been dropping thanks to people. Means a lot to me. And its a good lesson too,......politics and all that other CRAP that goes with it are one thing,.... but PEOPLE MATTER MOST! You guys are awesome. I wont forget this act of kindness that none of you had to do but CHOSE to do.
I am so very sorry for you and your family. I know how hard this is from losing my doggo a couple years ago. I'm still in mourning over that.

You probably dont realize but he was telling you he knew he was bad wrong and the extra attention is the absolutely best thing you could have done. It made it so much easier for him to face the unknown he was looking at. A huge blessing for your fur baby. Hard but he deserved nothing less.
Last update.......

Buried him this morning in a nice spot in the backyard. Buried him with his favorite tug toy, one of his bones, a doggie jacket he would wear sometimes in winter, ....and two slices of cheese! Why do all dogs love cheese? LOL

In the spring I will carve him up a nice little headstone to put over him. Just going to title it " Best dog ever" Cuz thats what we always used to call him.

ON another note.....Totally unrelated to this,....I feel the need to pass something on in here. Why, I dont know, I just do. Sometimes I get these thoughts that just seem to rush into my head all at once. Most of the time its just a bunch of nonsense , but I thought this ONE might be worth sharing. Here it goes.......

I think everyone walks around with a certain amount of weight on their back. They carry it most their whole lives. Like a big heavy bag of bricks. I think it starts VERY young for us, which is sad. All the mean things that people have said and done to you. You carry that baggage,...scars. But then there are the other self inflicted bricks. Those are all the wrong things that you have said and done. All the guilt that comes along with it. Things you wish you could change or take back,...but its too late, you cant take them back.

By the time you get a little older that bag is getting pretty heavy to carry. Its a real load, and you must carry it every day. But if you do a little soul searching there is a way to make that load a whole lot more bearable. Every time you do something good for someone , just out of the kindness of your heart,... with no thought of yourself or what YOU may get back in return,........a couple of those bricks get thrown out of the bag. Keep doing that enuff and the bricks start to rapidly disappear, become a whole lot more bearable. Time to lighten that load a little more, for me anyway. Hopefully anyone who see's this will come to the same conclusion.

Everyone have a great holiday season. Take care.
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Passed over rainbow bridge just a few hours ago. You wouldnt think a person could love a dog THAT much,..... but we sure did. The whole family. He was a part of it. I used to call him " Head of security around these parts" Going to leave a huge hole in our lives.

Started early this morning when I went to let him out. Just seemed a little listless and over tired. Then when he was outside he just kind of layed down on the cold ground,...he never does that when I let him out to do his job, he does it and comes back in. I got my wife up to come take a look at him and she got him inside. By the time I left for work he was doing a lot better. I surmised that maybe he became overheated laying in front of our gas fireplace,....we have one down in our family room set on a thermostat and sometimes he likes to lay in front of it.

When I came home from work it was if nothing ever happened. He was doing great. Actually really chipper. I was on the floor rubbing his belly and playing with him throwing his toys. He was happy as he could be. My wife takes him for rides a lot and then they go for walks in one of the parks. She decided to take him. He was his old self, happy as he could be as that is one of his favorite activities besides going to the lake with us in summer.

All of a sudden in the car he started acting weird again, like he was just totally out of gas. He laid down on the front passengers seat next to her and put his head over on her lap and just died right there.

Going to be super hard on my wife. He was her best bud too. One thing I am happy about though..... he died doing one of his favorite things to do in the whole world and on the person he loved the most lap. This sucks. Going to miss him something terrible. He was a rescue dog that people had abused and we adopted him. Had him for 10 years, he was 11 or 12 when he died. Bullboxer,..... and what a handsome gentleman he turned out to be after his wild and wooly youth!

Good thoughts.......

So sorry to hear this, Stone. Just went through it with two pets (cats) this year...and the ache stays for a long, long time. Our animal pals have a place in our hearts that is exceptionally deep. My feelings go out to you and your wife.