My Cats Might Be Retarded


Loves Me Some Souls
Here's the deal. I have two elderly cats. They're used to eating breakfast and dinner. They've been losing weight. I'm trying to feed them lucnh and they won't eat it.
Talk to your vet. I am sure they have some $40/pound food that only vets can sell to steer you toward ;)

My cats have the opposite problem--they won't stop eating or getting fatter. Think it is because they are outside most of the day and the weather change is causing them to want to fatten up for winter.
My two cats have health care insurance. Seriously. It isn't cheap.

I've never seen the virtue of that unless you have a pet that is bred to have serious problems that are almost always going to require surgery. Vets are still pretty cheap in our area to where you wouldn't otherwise need insurance unless you had a dog that was guaranteed to tear out its back legs or something. My vet is $55 a visit and it only cost $65 each to get my cats fixed and another $40 for all their shots. A triple mastectomy on my lived to be 17 dog only cost $400 5 years back, and that included post surgery followups and cost less than that to have her eye's reduced when she went blind.
I've never seen the virtue of that unless you have a pet that is bred to have serious problems that are almost always going to require surgery. Vets are still pretty cheap in our area to where you wouldn't otherwise need insurance unless you had a dog that was guaranteed to tear out its back legs or something. My vet is $55 a visit and it only cost $65 each to get my cats fixed and another $40 for all their shots. A triple mastectomy on my lived to be 17 dog only cost $400 5 years back, and that included post surgery followups and cost less than that to have her eye's reduced when she went blind.

My cats are siblings. Both have an upper respiratory disease. The last time I took one to the vet it cost $700.
Here's the deal. I have two elderly cats. They're used to eating breakfast and dinner. They've been losing weight. I'm trying to feed them lucnh and they won't eat it.

Sorry about that, G.

We have two inside cats and one outside one (who adopted us).

You say they are elderly.

Cats that are ready to go...often stop eating. You don't mention if that is what is happening...and I hope it is not that serious.

Offer the food...if they eat it, they eat it; if they don't, they don't. Twice a day meals are mostly what is suggested for adult cats. If they are eating that...I suspect the lunch meal will not stop the weight loss.

Good luck.
CBD oil? I might just keep that for myself.
Lots of people use it (not me, not yet;)....lots use it for older animals for a variety of issues....I think it helps... (we make treats)
It's less pricey if you make your own the isolate, mix with heated oil until it dissolves...
Lots of people use it (not me, not yet;)....lots use it for older animals for a variety of issues....I think it helps... (we make treats)
It's less pricey if you make your own the isolate, mix with heated oil until it dissolves...

I think the main problem is they're not used to eating lunch. They seem to think I'm trying to trick them. Plus the dogs aren't helping...I should probably put those two somewhere else when I'm trying to feed the cats.
I think the main problem is they're not used to eating lunch. They seem to think I'm trying to trick them. Plus the dogs aren't helping...I should probably put those two somewhere else when I'm trying to feed the cats.
If you're changing their routine, that could be a part of it.. When our animals get much older, we make their food, and they seem to eat better...
don't blame the poor