My Dilema, My Burden

Yeah. I heard about that. Sigh......too bad. I used to like wearing my tassles on planes too.
You're going to have to dress like a homeless bag lady, to offset your sexiness, to even get on a flight.

I'm thinking of ways to downgrade my sexiness, for next time I fly.


whatever happened to the old days when girls were looked upon as attractive?...I dated a 'PSA' flight attendant back in the late 60's early 70' her flight garb she made this young lady look old maid....:D
Wow, that's an old story. I saw this lady when my wife was watching Dr. Phil about a year and a half ago or so.
damo, southwest airlines must be a bunch of prudes.

I've seen skimpier outfits than that, on plenty of flights.

(and I'm not even talking about the flight where I wore tank top, and speedos) j/k
I don't care. It's a non-issue long dealt with and not likely to be repeated.

Although I'd like to meet the girl.

damo, southwest airlines must be a bunch of prudes.

I've seen skimpier outfits than that, on plenty of flights.

(and I'm not even talking about the flight where I wore tank top, and speedos) j/k

cippie wears speedos and wife beaters...yuk..and double yuk! Then again maybe he is one of the WMCA boys!:cof1:
She is hot. I can't believe her story is still circulating. That was amazing to me. It keeps repeating and people think it happened yesterday or something.
She is hot. I can't believe her story is still circulating. That was amazing to me. It keeps repeating and people think it happened yesterday or something.

Please. It involved a hot girl. There were thousands of fatsos thrown off flights before anything was sad about it, and then it was just barely a peep. No one even talks about it anymore. Something bad happens to slutto-girl, she's not even thrown of the flight, and it's the end of the world.
"Too Sexy to Fly"

This could pose a problem for people like me, Tiana, Thorn, and Jarod.

Southwest Airlines is screening people from flights, for being "too sexy to fly"

You have nothing to worry about. Trust me.
