My doggo just pwned me

Lord Yurt

Lord Yurt will suffice
So I am home before the Mrs and I wanted to chill in the bedroom and slay losers on JPP, j/k. The dog is not allowed in the room per Mrs Yurt. I thought, ah, she isn't here, I'll let the dog in.

Effing girl would not cross the threshold even after I offered food. My wife must be Samantha's relative.

And if you don't get that reference, end yourself! :D
So I am home before the Mrs and I wanted to chill in the bedroom and slay losers on JPP, j/k.


The dog is not allowed in the room per Mrs Yurt. I thought, ah, she isn't here, I'll let the dog in.

Effing girl would not cross the threshold even after I offered food. My wife must be Samantha's relative.

And if you don't get that reference, end yourself
! :D

Last week he was asking evince & others for a date, this week crazy yurt is married w/ dogs...

Some of you have known him a lot longer, has he always been nuts?? He is crazier than some of Masons dirty socks........:laugh:

Poor yurt, he will be divorced in the continuing saga next week............:cool: GET HELP!!!!!