My electoral college prediction


GOP was always identified as blue until some asswhole journalist drew a new map up in 1992. The new colors became formalized in 2004.
In the UK, red is associated with the Left whilst blue is Right. I wonder how it ended up arse about face in the US.

Red is the color of socialism, blue is the color the right has generally taken for itself in response. Most parties along the left-right spectrum generally followed the pattern from there - the biggest left-wing party using red, such as the Liberal party in Canada (even though it's a member of the Liberal and not Socialist international), and the biggest right-wing party using blue, such as Venstre in Denmark (a name which, absurdly enough, literally translates to "Left"). The Socialist party in France actually had to settle for pink (literal pinkos!) because the Communists were the biggest party on the left there until the 80's.

In America, there was no traditional color associations between parties, but to display the breakdown of the electoral college, television networks had to come up with a color scheme. Most vassilated between red for one party and blue for the other during the 70's, 80's, and 90's, but a general pattern of Republicans = red and Democrats = blue emerged during the 2000 campaign season. Networks tried to converge on one color scheme in order to make the view more sensible to viewers, and this just happened to be the one that most converged on. And it's stuck since then - perhaps because of the debacle in Florida, which caused that electoral college map to be displayed over and over for many many days all over the country. There was no actual organized effort one way or the other. If Wikipedia is to be believed, blue was actually the more common color for Republicans until around that time, although, again, neither party had any official color.

Anyway, to my knowledge, America is the only country in the world to have not only strayed from but entirely reversed the typical red-blue left-right color scheme. I suppose it's sort of like imperial units and the death penalty - America just has to do things differently.